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Fra Wikinytt
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Kan noen vise meg hvordan {{Ticker}} skal brukes? Kan noen få {{nyhetsticker}} til å fungere? Jeg er absolutt ikke inne på dette med det tekniske... Mvh. Marius2 15. des 2008 kl. 16:33 (CET)

Utvidelsen DynamicPageList som brukes her er utgammel, og egentlig er det snakk om mw:Extension:Intersection. Det er foreslått noen oppdateringer, men disse er ikke satt i produksjon. Det gjør at det er vanskelig å få slike løsninger til å fungere. Eksempelet viser til en utgave av Dynamic Page List som er langt mer avansert enn den som faktisk brukes. Jeblad 8. feb 2009 kl. 00:22 (CET)
Ok. Er det neon mulighet for å få satt opp en form for nyhetsticker for Wikinytt (ala den de har på engelsk Wikinews)? Mvh. Marius2 8. feb 2009 kl. 00:50 (CET)
Vil tro det, men jeg har ikke sjekket. Jeblad 12. feb 2009 kl. 12:51 (CET)

Er det noen flere som kan bidra til Wikinytts årskavalkade for 2008? Mvh. Marius2 29. des 2008 kl. 15:01 (CET)

Beklager, har vært litt opptatt... Hva er det som skjer med fontene, forresten? Har du noen ide? Djevelunge 1. jan 2009 kl. 22:42 (CET)
Fontene? Mvh. Marius2 1. jan 2009 kl. 23:42 (CET)
Hadde det ikke vært for at jeg har uavhengige bekreftelser på at fontene var helt ualminnelig store så hadde jeg kanskje lurt på om det var noen som (endelig) hadde puttet noe i drinken min ... de var det ... veldig store, altså...
Godt nytt år, forresten :) Djevelunge 2. jan 2009 kl. 02:31 (CET)
Mente du alle nyhetene, eller at utvalg? Djevelunge 2. jan 2009 kl. 03:59 (CET)
Fontene er store før jeg logger meg inn... Men ingenting er endret, bortsett fra «Godt nytt år» på forsiden (den er ny da). De viktigste kanskje? Eller alle, vi har ikke mange saker. Mvh. Marius2 2. jan 2009 kl. 11:51 (CET)
Hva om vi bruker {{ingress|''Tittelen på saken''}}? Mvh. Djevelunge 2. jan 2009 kl. 14:24 (CET)
Ja, det stemmer. Fontene er store frem til jeg har logget inn. Det går jo ikke ... Har du en ide om noe har blitt endret på de siste dagene som kan forutsake dette? Djevelunge 2. jan 2009 kl. 14:24 (CET)
Jeg tror kanskje feilen kan ligge i MediaWiki:Sitenotice ved den feilaktige endtaggen for <big> ... den burde vel avsluttes med </big>?. Vet dog ikke hvorfor dette kun virker inn når bruker er utlogget. Uansett, fiks det og sjekk om det hjelper :) --EivindJ 2. jan 2009 kl. 14:58 (CET)
Jeg kan ikke fikse det, fordi jeg ikke har tilgang. Kan jeg få tilgang? Det ser ellers ut som om du har rett i at det kan være dette som er grunnen. Djevelunge 2. jan 2009 kl. 16:36 (CET)
Marius fikset det nå, og du vil først få tilgang til å redigere MediaWiki-navnerommet når du blir administrator. Dette er selvfølgelig noe du kan nominere deg selv som. --EivindJ 3. jan 2009 kl. 02:35 (CET)
Jeg forsøkte å legge inn {{ingress|''Tittelen på saken''}} i årskavalkaden men resultatet ble underlig... (diff her.) Djevelunge 2. jan 2009 kl. 17:36 (CET)
Grunnen til det er at disse artiklene har det «gamle oppsettet»; de har ikke med <onlyinclude>/</onlyinclude> i ingressen slik som vi bruker i dag. En annen grunn kan være at det er noe annet feil med dette i artikkelen. Mvh. Marius2 2. jan 2009 kl. 18:58 (CET)
Fin innsats du la ned i denne siden forresten. Takk! Mvh. 22. feb 2009 kl. 15:15 (CET)

Cross-Wikinews interview collaboration


Hello! My name is Mike Halterman, and I've been doing interviews on the English Wikinews for over a year now. I got a good idea to do some cross-wiki collaboration on an event that I have always liked, and I first shared my thoughts over on the German Wikinews, so I figured I would let you all know about it as well.

Whether it's your cup of tea or not, this is the time of year that most of the countries in Europe are choosing songs for the Eurovision Song Contest, which will be held this May in Moscow. I would love to work with some of you and get some exclusive interviews with past performers and ask about their experiences, their music careers, and also what they think about the Contest today, as it has changed significantly in the past decades.

The cross-wiki idea comes in with translations. Many Wikinews projects have translated some interviews from the English Wikinews on a couple of occasions, and one of the last interviews that I was involved in got translated to Spanish due to there being a common interest there. With something like this, I would like for these exclusives to be on many Wikinews language editions, and not just with people interviewing in English, but also in Italian, or German, or in Norwegian, or in Spanish, and sharing each interview with one another.

So, my question to you all is, do you like such an idea? Would anyone be interested in talking to people to interview? Who would like to translate interviews from English should those occur? Who would be a good interview find who has participated in Eurovision from Norway? I'm very excited about this opportunity, so please let me know what you think. Thank you! :) Mike Halterman 4. jan 2009 kl. 00:52 (CET)

Hvordan skal saker legges inn i portaler?


Jeg la inn Kolerautbrudd i Zimbabwe både i Mal:Forside/Verden, Portal:Afrika og Portal:Zimbabwe. Blir det riktig – selv om Portal:Afrika er litt overordnet Portal:Zimbabwe? Mewasul 8. jan 2009 kl. 17:46 (CET)

... og hvordan har dette kommet under Distrikt på forsiden? Mewasul 8. jan 2009 kl. 17:48 (CET)
Du må legge inn {{publisert|utenriks}} i artikkelen. Hvis du legger artikkelen i Kategori:Afrika, blir det rett (foreløpig er det ingen som har svart meg på hvordan alle Afrika-kategoriene kan legge artikler i Portal:Afrika). Se ellers hvordan jeg endret artikkelen. Kan du bruke Mal:Kilde-nb? Mvh. Marius2 8. jan 2009 kl. 18:23 (CET) PS: oppdatert 22. februar 15.12: Ikke {{portal|utenriks}}, men {{publisert|utenriks}}! Mvh. Marius2 22. feb 2009 kl. 15:12 (CET)
Jeg tror ikke det er mulig å lage en slik samleløsning for Afrika utfra utvidelsen som er i bruk på dette prosjektet. Det som kan gjøres er å bruke en systemkategori for Afrika og organisere samlingen utfra denne. Jeblad 22. jan 2009 kl. 00:56 (CET)

Værmelding på Wikinytt


Det er mulig å få inn værmeldinger fra Meteorologisk institutt på Wikinytt via tjenesten Yr.no som instituttet har sammen med NRK. Det vil da være aktuelt å bruke værdata i forbindelse med distriktsportaler i Norge, slik som Portal:Oslo, og på portaler for viktige byer andre steder i verden. Skal en få til noe slikt så kreves det en ikke ubetydelig programmeringsjobb, og med tanke på hvor vanskelig det er å få fremdrift i slikt så er det et spørsmål om det er gjennomførbart.

Gitt at prosjektet gjennomføres så vil det være noen form for markup på sidene som utløser en henting av data fra Yr.no, dataene mellomlagres i Memcached på serverene og blir levert integrert med annen tekst. Mellomlagring er nødvendig for å sikre brukernes anonymitet.

Wikimedia Norge har vært i kontakt med instituttet og avklart slik bruk. Se også siden om å lage egne tenester. [1]

Bergstølen hytteutleie har et eksempel på hvordan noe slikt kan se ut. [2] Jeblad 21. jan 2009 kl. 07:00 (CET)

Det går ikke an å automatisere dette (en mal?)? Uansett høres det ut som et godt forslag. Værmelding kan legges på f. eks forsiden (Norge og Europa/Verden). Hvis automatisering ikke går an, kan man legge inn dette på viktige byer og lignende manuelt (og på sikt mange (om noen gang alle). Mvh. Marius2 21. jan 2009 kl. 16:07 (CET)
En ferdig løsning vil nok kunne legges inn som en mal, men det er en betydelig programmeringsjobb som må gjøres før det er mulig a lage en enkel mal. Jeblad 21. jan 2009 kl. 19:47 (CET)
Oppdateringsraten til varslene er ganske aggresiv, slik at det vil påvirke caching av sider betydelig. Antakelig vil dette være av mindre betydning på portalsider på grunn av liten trafikk. Det er mulig å bruke Javascript for å unngå cachingproblematikken, men dette utløser et problem med identifisering av brukere. Jeblad 22. jan 2009 kl. 08:41 (CET)
Dette vil ikke bli fulgt opp i relasjon til WikiNytt. Jeblad 19. sep 2009 kl. 01:28 (CEST)

Kan noen sette opp en bot som kan lage en liste som denne de har på engelsk Wikinews? :) (Den viser hvor mange som har åpnet hver artikkel (på forsiden), noe som er ganske interressant :)). Jeg kan ikke så mye om slike bot-greier. Mvh. Marius2 26. jan 2009 kl. 17:40 (CET)



Skal vi fortsette å bruke «distriktene» på forsiden? Det er vel den som det ligger færrest artikler i. Vet ikke hva vi skal erstatte den med, men det kan vi vel evt. finnet ut. Er det da evt. mulig å sette opp en bot til å endre alle {{publisert|Distriktene}} og {{publisert|distriktene}} til {{publisert|innenriks}}? Mvh. Marius2 3. feb 2009 kl. 16:38 (CET)

Samarbeid mellom norsk og svensk Wikinytt/Wikinews?


Både svensk og norsk Wikinews/Wikinytt har ikke så veldig mye aktivitet for tiden. Hva om vi får i gang et samarbeid mellom disse to? Om vi ikke går så langt til å ha en felles, skandinavisk Wikinews (som har blitt foreslått flere ganger tidligere), kan vi vel ha et samarbeid ala at vi kan ha noen små bokser på hver våre forsider med "Siste fra svensk/norsk Wikinews/Wikinytt"? Mvh. Marius2 7. feb 2009 kl. 15:01 (CET)

Automatisk publisering?


Hei, jeg prøvde meg her på Wikinytt med 200 år siden Abraham Lincoln ble født. Er det teknisk mulig å få artikkelen automatisk publisert 12. februar, eller må jeg logge meg inn å endre til {{publisert}} selv? Mvh Mollerup 8. feb 2009 kl. 14:17 (CET)

Jeg vet ikke, ikke så vidt jeg vet. Mvh. Marius2 9. feb 2009 kl. 08:10 (CET)



Wikimedia Norge har begynt å sette sammen en liste over personer som kan holde foredrag.[3] De som vil stå på en slik liste må kontakte styret (e-postliste) for å bli lagt til da det er en forutsetning at de som står på lista har noe erfaring og at noen fra styret mener personen fungerer i en slik rolle. De er fint om vi klarer å få til spredning på flere fagfelt, ikke minst noen som kan snakke om hvordan det er å skrive på Wikipedia når en er opptatt av kunst, musikk, drama, militæret, tinnsoldater, hunder, hatter, frimerker eller bananfluenes parringsdans – eller noget helt andet. — Jeblad 12. feb 2009 kl. 12:10 (CET)



Er det noen mulighet for å sette opp en robot på norsk Wikinytt ala engelsk sin User:Wikinews Importer Bot? Mvh. Marius2 22. feb 2009 kl. 15:08 (CET)

Notisen øverst på siden


Nå står det: «Flere nyheter på forsiden». Burde det ikke stått: «Flere nyheter på forsiden»? Mvh Mollerup 23. feb 2009 kl. 09:24 (CET)

Det gjør det, men på enkelte sider (jeg tror det er alle Wikinytt:-sidene og lignende sider) blir det slik av ukjetn årsak. Kanskje noen andre kan forklare? Mvh. Marius2 23. feb 2009 kl. 18:09 (CET)

Konsert i Tønsberg


Domkirken i Tønsberg har sendt henvendelse gjennom OTRS; de innvier nytt orgel søndag 1. mars, og lurer på om noen vil skrive en reportasje. Hvis noen er interessert, send meg en mail så skal jeg oversende navn og epostadresse til kontaktperson der. Cnyborg 26. feb 2009 kl. 18:47 (CET)

Vote for a Multilingual Wikinews


English: Vote here in the request of a Multilingual Wikinews! It will be a new proposal that can to change all the project. Tosão

norsk bokmål:Please translate this message for your language.Tosão

Bakgrunnen på Mal:Slett-nb og lignende


Kan noen forklare meg hvorfor det ikke blir noen bakgrunn på malen Mal:Slett-nb, slik som på Wikipedia? Mvh. Marius2 21. mar 2009 kl. 16:09 (CET)

Jeg regner med at du har kopiert koden fra Wikipedia? I så fall finner du muligligvis en forklaring her: MediaWiki:Help:Template#Copying_from_one_wiki_to_another Djevelunge 26. sep 2009 kl. 01:48 (CEST)

Request bot flag for User:GrondinBot

  • Operator : Grondin (Grondin, sysop and bureaucrat in french wikinews)
  • Bot name: GrondinBot (Python; Pywikipedia SVN)
  • Tasks: Interwiki linking
  • Bot has requested a bot bit in all wikinews projects.

I didn't fing the right page to post bot flag request. Sorry for all. Thanks.--Grondin 10. apr 2009 kl. 01:45 (CEST)

Korleis følgjer vi opp saker?


I nokre tilfelle så er det saker som er kjent før dei går av stabelen (landsmøte for politiske parti, festivalar, osv), og ofte er det i disse tilfella anledning til å ta bilete, skrive artiklar for Wikinews, og komplettere artiklar i Wikipedia. Korleis skal vi handtere slikt, skal vi ha ein eigen side? Skal denne eventuelt vera på nettstaden til Wikimedia Norge? Eller skal vi ha ein eigen epostliste? Tidligare har ein del slike varslar gått på bokmålutgåva si administratorliste, men denne er helt klart ikkje riktig stad. — Jeblad 23. mai 2009 kl. 20:10 (CEST)Svar

Nei, det er slettes ikke riktig sted, spesielt siden jeg (som tidligere var den som kanskje skrev mest på Wikinytt) ikke har tilgang til dette, siden jeg ikke får bli administrator på Wikipedia. Vet ikke hvordan dette skal løses. Mvh. Marius2 24. mai 2009 kl. 00:55 (CEST)Svar
Mye av dette går nå på nyhetsvarslene til Wikimedia Norge. Jeblad 14. jun 2009 kl. 18:24 (CEST)

Mal for å inkludere Twitter i artikler?


En del aviser har begynt å inkludere Twitter i artikler, er dette noe som kan skape en del ekstra oppmerksomhet om artiklene? Det jeg ser for meg er en Twitter-boks som kjører et søk på en hashtag. Typisk vil boksen fremstå som en nokså enkel boks inntil den påvises av et Javascript, deretter vil den omformes og det vil lages et boks med en liste av oppføringer. Antakelig må disse Twitter-boksene fjernes etter en tid fordi trafikken dør ut. Mens den er som størst kan det imidlertid bli en del interessante innspill for videre arbeid med artiklene. Jeblad 14. jun 2009 kl. 18:23 (CEST)

Det er jeg helt for. Men jeg kan ikke lage noe slikt, men det vil antagelig være positivt. Mvh. Marius2 14. jun 2009 kl. 19:44 (CEST)
Skal tenke litt på det. Jeblad 17. jun 2009 kl. 14:44 (CEST)
En avgjørelse som ble tatt på Foundation-l vil gjøre at dette ikke lar seg gjennomføre. Jeblad 19. sep 2009 kl. 01:24 (CEST)

Enklere å lage artikkel


Hei igjen!

Nå er det lenge siden jeg har vært aktiv her på Wikinytt, jeg føler jeg rett og slett ikke har tid. Jeg tror ikkejeg kommer til å bli like aktiv som før, men skal prøve å bli noe mer aktiv fremover (i alle fall i sommerferien :) ). Men en ting som gjør at jeg ikke føler jeg har tid, er det at jeg føler det er veldig tungvint å publisere en artikkel. Jeg vet at jeg kanskje har bidratt til dette, i og med at jeg har lagt inn flere maler osv. Men er det noen som har noen ideer om hvordan vi kan gjøre det enklere å lage en artikkel? Det tror jeg kanskje det kan komme flere skribenter hit av. Mvh. Marius2 14. jun 2009 kl. 19:48 (CEST)

Det ligger et forslag ute til en enklere løsning på forsiden nå. Djevelunge 25. sep 2009 kl. 00:08 (CEST)
Det du har fått til med WikiNytt er nokså utrolig, du har vært nokså alene om arbeidet. Vi trenger flere skribenter, men problemet er nok litt mer sammensatt enn malbruk alene.
Mulig noe kan gjøres for å få artiklene enklere. Malene for lenking til Wikipedia og andre prosjekter tror jeg kan droppes, sett opp lenker i teksten der det er aktuelt, slik det er nå blir det litt mye lappeteppe. Det er også blitt litt mye avrundede hjørner, kanskje det bør tenkes gjennom hva slags bokser som skal brukes og hvordan disse virker i fellesskap. Antakelig kan også lengden på listene på forsiden justeres ned, slik de er nå så forsvinner oversikter over seksjoner for langt ned.
Det viktigste er nok å få oppmerksomhet om nettstedet. Det er også viktig å gi inntrykk av å være mer dagsaktuell. Det gir feil signal når listene på forsiden går flere uker og måneder tilbake i tid, dette har mer med hva inntrykk som skapes og det støtter ikke opp under «dagsaktuell». Kanskje bør det også gjøres noe for å få til feeds for RSS, Twitter og andre slik at det skapes en større bevissthet om nettstedet. Ikke minst en RSS-feed vil gjøre det enklere for nyhetsindekser å hente inn artiklene. Jeblad 17. jun 2009 kl. 15:19 (CEST)
I dag opprettet jeg faktisk en Twitter-profil for Wikinytt (se [4]), uten at jeg husket at du hadde nevnt det. Skal prøve å huske å oppdatere den fremover, med våre (forhåpentligvis) nye artikler :) Mvh. Marius2 22. aug 2009 kl. 17:29 (CEST)

Feil på Mal:Ny side


Ett litt relatert problem er at Mal:Ny side, som er den som lastes inn i redigeringsvinduet når man klikker på ny artikkel–knappen på fremsiden, ikke laster helt inn. I malen ligger det et <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> rundt 100px|right rett etter filnavnet for bildet i ingressen. Dette lastes ikke når malen kalles til redigeringsvinduet, så malen er kanskje litt for avansert til å virke skikkelig?
Resultatet er at billedteksten forsvinner i artikkelen. Djevelunge 24. sep 2009 kl. 03:11 (CEST)

Fikset. Det var på grunn av egne regler for preloaderen (forklaring her.) De samme reglene ser ikke ut til å gjelde for maler som ligger i siden man preloader, så jeg står fremdeles litt fast med en forenkling av malen. Djevelunge 28. sep 2009 kl. 06:57 (CEST)

"Feil" i Mal:Enkel portal


Det er ikke direkte en feil, men jeg mener det er unødvendig at alle portalene våre blir kategorisert under Kategori:Maler. Kan noen se på det? (jeg finner ikke hvor i kildekoden det står). Mvh. Marius2 14. jun 2009 kl. 20:12 (CEST)

Fikset. Det manglet en noinclude i Mal:Purge. Dette fjernet ikke Portal:Norge, Portal:Sport eller Portal:Kultur, som er påbegynte utvidetet portaler. De ser veldig lovende ut, men det må litt mer arbeid til for å debugge dem. Vær så snill å slette Kategori:Portalene, som jeg kom til å opprette i prosessen. Djevelunge 25. sep 2009 kl. 00:22 (CEST)
Kjempefint :) Mvh. Marius2 25. sep 2009 kl. 15:47 (CEST)

Distriktene igjen


Skal vi fortsette å ha spalten "Distriktene" på forsiden eller skal vi erstatte den med noe annet? Jeg foreslår at vi kan erstatte den med en liste som viser den siste saken fra hver region/landsdel. Evt., hvis det er mulig, at brukeren selv velger fra hvilken landsdel den ønsker siste nytt fra (ala det nrk.no har på sin forside). Mvh. Marius2 15. jun 2009 kl. 00:05 (CEST)

Å velge riktig landsdel er ikke helt trivielt, men vi kan få det til med Javascript. Informasjonen som finnes i spalta må da finnes noe annet sted, og såvidt jeg kan forstå så må lista lages manuelt. Jeg har prøvd å få interesse for å gjøre noen endringer slik at dette kan automatiseres, men uten å lykkes. Uansett om spalten lages manuelt eller automatisk så vil det hele fungere slik at det vil være et felles «Distriktene» hvis brukeren ikke har valgt et spesifikt distrikt. Hvis han velger et spesifikt distrikt så hentes dette inn, hvis det ikke allerede ligger på siden. Nødvendige data for riktig distrikt kan ligge klart på siden, men vil være usynlig. Det må lages noe som gjør det mulig å velge riktig distrikt, antakelig som en dropdown-liste eller lignende. Kanske et klikkbart kart er en grei løsning. Mellom hver gang en henter inn forsiden vil valget beholdes i en cookie. Tja, tjo, … det kan fungere. Jeblad 17. jun 2009 kl. 14:41 (CEST)

Domenet wikinytt.no dirigerer "feil"


Hvem er det som har registrert domenet wikinytt.no? Dette viser nå til no.wikinews.org/wiki/Forside isteden for no.wikinews.org/wiki/Wikinytt:Forside. Det er bare en liten feil, men kan noen ta en titt på det? Mvh. Marius2 29. jun 2009 kl. 15:00 (CEST)

NTB sin nyhetskalender

Diskusjonen går på Wikimedia Norges forslagsside

Wikimedia Norge har vært i møte med NTB (Norsk Telegrambyrå) og fått presentert det dei kallar «Nyhetskalender». Dette er ein oversikt over nyheiter som strekk seg fleire år framover i tid. Ein kalender er viktig for å kunne vera på steden når noko skjer, spesielt om ein vil ta bilete tå hendinga. Tilgang vil komme på rundt 200/mnd for kvar bruker vi gjev tilgang, og dette må enten dekkjast tå oss eller av brukarane. Det er ikkje aktuelt å gjera ein republisering av kalenderen i dette prosjektet, det er ein teneste som de aktive skribentane kan bruke for å få oversikt over framtidige hendingar. Er det tilstrekkelig interesse for noe slikt? Finn vi sponsorar så kan det bli aktuelt å gje enkelte brukarar fri tilgang, for eksempel aktive skribentar på WikiNytt. — Jeblad 15. aug 2009 kl. 12:26 (CEST)

Dette vil ikke bli fulgt opp i relasjon til WikiNytt. Jeblad 19. sep 2009 kl. 01:29 (CEST)



Jeg ønsker adminrettigheter for å støtte opp om daglig drift og produksjon på prosjektet. Jeblad 16. aug 2009 kl. 23:45 (CEST)

Jeg ønsker også dette. Prosjektet hangler, på tiden å få det igang igjen! --Flums 16. aug 2009 kl. 23:47 (CEST)
Ja, det er vel bare å prøve. Jeg har prøvd å få prosjektet igang noen ganger, men det har "dødd" når jeg ikke har orket å holde på alene lengre. Mvh. Marius2 17. aug 2009 kl. 08:40 (CEST)
Utrolig at du har klart å holde det igang! Jeblad 17. aug 2009 kl. 09:57 (CEST)
Takk :) Mvh. Marius2 22. aug 2009 kl. 17:30 (CEST)
Før man får administratorstatus bør man vel skrive noen nyhetsartikler?
Jeblad har forøvrig utvist svært dårlig dømmekraft på Wikinytt tidligere, så der stemmer jeg mot. Djevelunge 2. sep 2009 kl. 00:24 (CEST)

Selvoppdaterende portaler


(Denne diskusjonstråden er flyttet hit fra Brukerdiskusjon:Marius2 Djevelunge 24. sep 2009 kl. 02:33 (CEST)) Jeg lurer på om jeg har spurt om dette før, men hvorfor er ikke portalene selvoppdaterende? Jeg har laget en test her som er selvoppdaterende. Koden er mest kopiert fra forsiden, og trenger sikkert å renses litt, men kunne dette vært bakt inn i portalene så vi slapp å oppdatere dem manuelt? Djevelunge 19. sep 2009 kl. 03:18 (CEST)

En del malverk ble skrevet for mw:Extension:Intersection, og denne er siden oppdatert. [5] [6] Jeblad 19. sep 2009 kl. 03:55 (CEST)
Ok. Hvilken versjon er vi oppdatert til? Djevelunge 19. sep 2009 kl. 17:03 (CEST)
MediaWiki versjon: 1.44.0-wmf.15 (e73fe46) Djevelunge 23. sep 2009 kl. 12:30 (CEST)
Om jeg forstår rett virker mw:Extension:Intersection fra versjon 1.5 og oppover. Det reiser igjen spørsmålet om hvilken versjon vi bruker, og (eller?) hva Extension:Intersection er oppdatert med.
Det hadde samtidig vært greit å få vite hvor mange kategorier DPL kan ta. Dette bestemmes så langt jeg forstår under installeringen. Djevelunge 24. sep 2009 kl. 02:33 (CEST)
Spesial:Versjon hjalp et stykke på vei. Djevelunge 26. sep 2009 kl. 00:11 (CEST)

wikipedia gir formidingspoeng


Kom akkurat over denne her. Noen som vil skrive artikkel om det her på wikinytt? http://www.uib.no/form/nyheter/2009/09/wikipedia-gir-formidlingspoeng



Er det noen som vil gjøre noen endringer på hvordan artiklene våre skal se ut? Se Mal:Ny side. Og, skal vi endre oppsettet på tidligere artikler slik at det blir som det vi har nå? Siden vi nå har et portalsystem, er det praktisk om alle artiklene følger det samme oppsettet, pga. ingress og (forside/portal)bilde (vi brukte en periode malen {{thumb}}, en mal som fungerer dårlig nå, ifm portaler), etter min mening. Og skal vi legge inn {{Portal:Et land}} øverst inn i kategorien Kategori:Et land ? Slik som i Kategori:USA? Hvis vi gjøre det, er det kanskje like greit at vi lenker til kategoriene våre fra Wikipedia, isteden for til portalene, som de fleste lenker går til (det er litt forskjellig praksis på dette per i dag)? Mvh. Marius2 26. sep 2009 kl. 12:39 (CEST)

Jeg er ikke helt sikker på om jeg forstår deg helt, men jeg tror jeg er i gang med noe av det du spør om:
  • Jeg er i gang med en mal som forenkler headeren her (Se eksempel på bruk her.) Jeg har tenkt at denne bør være bakoverkompatibel, slik at den også fungerer med de gamle ariklene, men det er ikke noe i veien for også å lage en til mal som gir et annet oppsett.
  • det der med "thumb" forstår jeg ikke helt. Det er både en mal, og det er en kode som legges etter "Fil:bildenavn.xxx|", og dette er to forskjellige ting? Det systemet vi bruker i dag fungerer i hvert fall ikke, jeg strever fremdeles med å få til <includeonly>100px|right</includeonly> i mal:ny side (Se: Feil på Mal:Ny side.) Irriterende nok så har jeg lest ett eller annet sted noe om konflikter med å neste onlyinclude og includeonly - kanskje når man legger det inn i andre funksjoner. Klarer ikke finne dette igjen...
  • Når det gjelder portaler så la jeg inn noen portaler på toppen av noen kategorier, så det er bra du påpeker det. Ideelt sett hadde det etter min mening vært fint om de ble brukt der, som en siste nytt–introduksjon til hele kategorien, og at vi da lenket til kategorien (også fra Wikipedia) istedet for portalen i de tilfellene der det kun er snakk om en enkelt kategori. Man kan da kikke nedover på siden og finne alt som er skrevet i kategorien - noe jeg ofte savner når jeg leser andre nettaviser. Jeg liker også de utvidete portalene, som er påbegynt og som forsøker å gi en oversikt der man vil favne mange kategorier. Men ut over dette forstår jeg ikke helt vitsen med å ha "enkel portal" i tillegg til infobokser og kategorier. Og så lenge de ikke er selvoppdaterende er de mest til plage... (jeg er forøvrig overbevist at det er relativt enkelt for en kyndig å sette koden opp så de blir selvoppdaterende - jeg har en plan om å se på det etterhvert som jeg forstår mer kode.)
  • Når det gjelder layout på forsiden så liker jeg den engelske bedre enn vår.
Generelt har tro på å gjøre det enklest mulig for brukerne, og samtidig gi dem størst mulig frihet til å leke med layouten i artiklene selv. Det vil si at jeg også mener Wikinytt burde være lagt opp slik at det er fullt ut mulig å skrive en artikkel uten å ha snøring på kode (og uten at folk får opp et redigeringsvindu som gir dem angst...) Helst burde det være mulig å skrive en artikkel som ikke inneholder kode i det hele tatt, og uten at det da ser "rart" ut på forsiden. Men at det da også burde være mulig å skrive en artikkel som er full av kode for layout, uten at dette heller får artikkelen til å se rar ut på forsiden. Slik sett ser det engelske systemet bra ut: når man klikker på "lag artikkel" får man opp et redigeringsvindu som er enklere enn den forenklede versjonen vi har på forsiden. (Jeg tror de henter ingressen fra det første avsnittet istedet for å lage en egen ingress som oss. Jeg har ikke sjekket hvordan de gjør det, og hvordan eventuelt bildene kommer inn på forsiden - men det kan tenkes at de har automatisert at det første bildet som står i artikkelen er det som følger den som hovedbilde. - Det burde være mulig for oss å bruke begge løsningene, både den vi bruker i dag og den de bruker, på en gang.)
Dette var vel like mange spørsmål som svar... Håper i hvert fall jeg forstod spørsmålene dine rett... :) Djevelunge 26. sep 2009 kl. 17:52 (CEST)
Ja, thumb er to forskjellige ting her på Wikinytt, kan man vel si. For det første (og mest brukte) er det vel den "teksten" som gjør at bildene får en bestemt størrelse (bestemt av bruker selv), men vi har også en Mal:Thumb som vi brukte på bilder i artikler en periode, men da ser bildet helt forferdelig ut ved bruk av {{ingress}}. Den nye malen du utvikler ser ganske bra ut, den kan nok forenkle ganske mye. Når det gjelder portaler, kan vi, som du sier, sikkert kutte ut Portal:Et land, og isteden bruke Mal:Enkel portal direkte på kategoriene. Skal vi "oppdatere" de gamle artiklene (skrevet før i år) slik at de får samme layout som de vi skriver nå? Mvh. Marius2 27. sep 2009 kl. 09:53 (CEST)
Mener du artiklene som ble skrevet for mer enn et år siden? (Jeg har rotet litt runt i artiklene som ble skrevet tidligere (før) i år, men de ser lik ut til i dag...) Dersom de er gamle og ikke står øverst i en portal og får den til å se stygg ut føler jeg meg egentlig ikke særlig fristet til å ta jobben... Djevelunge 29. sep 2009 kl. 02:17 (CEST)
Noen artikler har det gamle oppsettet, noen har jeg "oppdatert", og jeg har tenkt å fortsette med det arbeidet, hvis ingen protesterer. Mvh. Marius2 29. sep 2009 kl. 18:33 (CEST)
Ingen protester herifra i hvert fall :) Djevelunge 29. sep 2009 kl. 20:42 (CEST)

Translation request


(Apologies for English, you know us monolingual Brits) I've put a lot of work into an article and would really like to see it translated into as many Wikinews languages as possible. Listening to you at last: EU plans to tap cell phones. Please take a look, if you need help going through my chaoitic notes, let me know! --Brian McNeil/talk 19. okt 2009 kl. 19:11 (CEST)

Frist for betaling tå medlemsavgift i Wikimedia Norge


Årsmøtet i Wikimedia Noreg er planlagd i midten tå april, noko som gjer at frist for betaling tå medlemsavgifta for dei som ynskjer stemmerett er 15. januar. — Jeblad 1. jan 2010 kl. 16:59 (CET)

Portal:Vinter-OL 2010


Er det noen som ser hva som er galt med Portal:Vinter-OL 2010? Mvh. Marius2 27. feb 2010 kl. 14:20 (CET)

Wikimania Scholarships


The call for applications for Wikimania Scholarships to attend Wikimania 2010 in Gdansk, Poland (July 9-11) is now open. The Wikimedia Foundation offers Scholarships to pay for selected individuals' round trip travel, accommodations, and registration at the conference. To apply, visit the Wikimania 2010 scholarships information page, click the secure link available there, and fill out the form to apply. For additional information, please visit the Scholarships information and FAQ pages:

Yours very truly, Cary Bass
Volunteer Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation



Siden jeg først ble interessert i Wikinytt har jeg kun sett to bidragsytere, som er meg selv og Marius2. Jeg kan forstå at Wikinytt ikke er et så aktivt prosjekt, med tanke på at det ikke er så utrolig mye aktivitet blant faste brukere på no.wikipedia.org heller, men slik jeg ser det fortjener ikke de inaktive administratorene den tittelen på Wikinytt.

Eksempelvis så har Kjetil r ikke redigert noe siden 17. mars 2009. Det er over ett år siden. Lipothymia har ikke redigert noe siden 8. september 2008.

Kort oppsummert, den eneste administratoren som er aktiv er Marius2, som er veldig hjelpsom når det kommer til å fikse på de nyhetsartiklene jeg lager. Jeg er ganske ny her, og er veldig usikker på hva jeg skal gjøre fra tid til annen. Ville bare dele mine $0.02 KristofferAG 7. apr 2010 kl. 16:52 (CEST)

Flytte seksjonsredigering


Jeg foreslåt at vi flytter «Rediger»-knappene ved hver seksjon inntil seksjonstittelen, slik som på Wikipeda. Er det noen som har noen meninger rundt dette? Mvh. Marius2 7. apr 2010 kl. 22:27 (CEST)

Hadde vært greit for meg. Så slipper jeg å bruke de to-tre sekundene på å lete etter den når jeg bytter fra et prosjekt til et annet. KristofferAG 7. apr 2010 kl. 22:40 (CEST)
Lar denne stå til diskusjon et par dager til, for jeg forsøker å få gjennomført dette. Mvh. Marius2 11. apr 2010 kl. 20:37 (CEST)
Merkelig, glemte dette helt. Men har nå gjennomført dette :) Tror det ble korrekt, si fra om det dukker opp problemer :) Mvh. Marius2 1. jun 2010 kl. 15:51 (CEST)

2010 Fundraising Is Almost Here


Hello Wikimedians, my name is Sam and I am working for the Wikimedia Foundation during the 2010 Fundraiser. My job is to be the liaison between the Norwegian community and the Foundation. This year's fundraiser is intended to be a collaborative and global effort; we recognize that banner messages which may perform well in the United States don't necessarily translate well, or appeal to international audiences.

I am currently looking for translators who are willing to contribute to this project by helping translate and localize messages into Norwegian and suggesting messages that would appeal to Norwegian readers on the Fundraising Meta Page. We've started the setup on meta for both banner submission, statistical analysis, and grouping volunteers together.
Use the talk pages on meta, talk to your local communities, talk to others, talk to us, and add your feedback to the proposed messages as well! I look forward to working with you during this year's fundraiser. If someone could translate this message I would really appreciate it so that everyone is able to understand our goals and contribute to this year's campaign.
Sam Chapman 21. okt 2010 kl. 19:59 (CEST)

Hi. You are welcome to nominate the best photos in pl and other Wikinews used in articles in 2010. Przykuta 29. jan 2011 kl. 12:20 (CET)

We have the final round. Let's choose the best photo: pl:Wikinews:Wikinews Press Photo 2011/Finał. Best regards. Przykuta 12. feb 2011 kl. 00:17 (CET)

Call for image filter referendum


The Wikimedia Foundation, at the direction of the Board of Trustees, will be holding a vote to determine whether members of the community support the creation and usage of an opt-in personal image filter, which would allow readers to voluntarily screen particular types of images strictly for their own account.

Further details and educational materials will be available shortly. The referendum is scheduled for 12-27 August, 2011, and will be conducted on servers hosted by a neutral third party. Referendum details, officials, voting requirements, and supporting materials will be posted at Meta:Image filter referendum shortly.

Sorry for delivering you a message in English. Please help translate the pages on the referendum on Meta and join the translators mailing list.

For the coordinating committee,
Philippe (WMF)
Robert Harris

Remove the "Portal:Kultur" template from the Kategori:Kultur page.


Please, remove the "Portal:Kultur" template from the Kategori:Kultur page. The "Kultur" category now has got the itself. --Averaver 9. aug 2011 kl. 19:08 (CEST)

I blocked the template. --Averaver 21. aug 2011 kl. 16:12 (CEST)

Please, create wikiquote and wikisource templates.


Please, create wikiquote and wikisource templates with links to NO Wiki projects. Examples see on my page - Bruker:Averaver. --Averaver 9. aug 2011 kl. 19:11 (CEST)

Terms of Use update


I apologize that you are receiving this message in English. Please help translate it.


The Wikimedia Foundation is discussing changes to its Terms of Use. The discussion can be found at Talk:Terms of use. Everyone is invited to join in. Because the new version of Terms of use is not in final form, we are not able to present official translations of it. Volunteers are welcome to translate it, as German volunteers have done at m:Terms of use/de, but we ask that you note at the top that the translation is unofficial and may become outdated as the English version is changed. The translation request can be found at m:Translation requests/WMF/Terms of Use 2 -- Maggie Dennis, Community Liaison 27. okt 2011 kl. 03:08 (CEST)

Accreditation and Google News listings


First-off, please forgive my posting in English. I am, as is all-too-common for people from the UK, linguistically challenged.

I want to raise two issues, as-noted in the subject title of this thread: Reporter Accreditation and listing in Google News.

First up, accreditation has worked rather well for Wikinewsies on the English-language version of the project. Personally, I've been given press access to a number of events, other examples may well be reporters getting behind police lines or landing interviews with major political figures.

I have on the English-language version of the project with a view to looking into more than just one project being listed by Google, and other language versions capitalising on accreditation. Please take the time to register any interest in this, the drawbacks from local legal situations, and how we all might better promote Wikinews as a project. --Brian McNeil/talk 20. des 2011 kl. 13:47 (CET)

Open Call for 2012 Wikimedia Fellowship Applicants


I apologize that you are receiving this message in English. Please help translate it.

  • Do you want to help attract new contributors to Wikimedia projects?
  • Do you want to improve retention of our existing editors?
  • Do you want to strengthen our community by diversifying its base and increasing the overall number of excellent participants around the world?

The Wikimedia Foundation is seeking Community Fellows and project ideas for the Community Fellowship Program. A Fellowship is a temporary position at the Wikimedia Foundation in order to work on a specific project or set of projects. Submissions for 2012 are encouraged to focus on the theme of improving editor retention and increasing participation in Wikimedia projects. If interested, please submit a project idea or apply to be a fellow by January 15, 2012. Please visit https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Fellowships for more information.


--Siko Bouterse, Head of Community Fellowships, Wikimedia Foundation 22. des 2011 kl. 03:59 (CET)

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Announcing Wikipedia 1.19 beta


Wikimedia Foundation is getting ready to push out 1.19 to all the WMF-hosted wikis. As we finish wrapping up our code review, you can test the new version right now on beta.wmflabs.org. For more information, please read the release notes or the start of the final announcement.

The following are the areas that you will probably be most interested in:

  • Faster loading of javascript files makes dependency tracking more important.
  • New common*.css files usable by skins instead of having to copy piles of generic styles from MonoBook or Vector's css.
  • The default user signature now contains a talk link in addition to the user link.
  • Searching blocked usernames in block log is now clearer.
  • Better timezone recognition in user preferences.
  • Improved diff readability for colorblind people.
  • The interwiki links table can now be accessed also when the interwiki cache is used (used in the API and the Interwiki extension).
  • More gender support (for instance in logs and user lists).
  • Language converter improved, e.g. it now works depending on the page content language.
  • Time and number-formatting magic words also now depend on the page content language.
  • Bidirectional support further improved after 1.18.

Report any problems on the labs beta wiki and we'll work to address them before they software is released to the production wikis.

Note that this cluster does have SUL but it is not integrated with SUL in production, so you'll need to create another account. You should avoid using the same password as you use here. — Global message delivery 15. jan 2012 kl. 17:26 (CET)

MediaWiki 1.19


(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.) The Wikimedia Foundation is planning to upgrade MediaWiki (the software powering this wiki) to its latest version this month. You can help to test it before it is enabled, to avoid disruption and breakage. More information is available in the full announcement. Thank you for your understanding.

Guillaume Paumier, via the Global message delivery system (wrong page? You can fix it.). 12. feb 2012 kl. 16:12 (CET)

Survey invitation


First, I apologize that part of this message is in English. If you can assist by translating it for your local community, I would greatly appreciate it.

The Wikimedia Foundation would like to invite you to take part in a brief survey.

Med denne rundspørringen håper Wikimedia-stiftelsen å kunne finne ut av hvilke ressurser wikimedianerne ønsker og behøver (noe kan kreve finansielle midler) og hvordan de skal prioriteres. Ikke alle programmer fra stiftelsen er med her (kjerneoppgaverne er særlig unntatt) – det behandles kun ressurser som individuelle bidragsytere eller organisasjoner som er tilknyttet Wikimedia, som lokalavdelinger, kan søke om.

Målet er her å identifisere, hva DU (eller grupper som lokalavdelinger eller klubber) kunne være interessert i og å oppstille muligheterne etter forkjærlighet. Vi har på denne listen ikke inkludert ting som "holde serverne kjørende", fordi de ikke er individuelle bidragsyteres eller frivillige organisasjoners ansvar. Denne rundspørringen har til hensikt å fortelle oss, hvilke prioriteringer av midlerne bidragsyterne stemmer overens med eller ikke.

To read more about the survey, and to take part, please visit the survey page. You may select the language in which to take the survey with the pull-down menu at the top.

This invitation is being sent only to those projects where the survey has been translated in full or in majority into your language. It is, however, open to any contributor from any project. Please feel free to share the link with other Wikimedians and to invite their participation.

If you have any questions for me, please address them to my talk page, since I won’t be able to keep an eye at every point where I place the notice.

Thank you! --Mdennis (WMF) (diskusjon) 6. mar 2012 kl. 19:49 (CET)

Update on IPv6


(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it, as well as the full version of this announcement on Meta)

The Wikimedia Foundation is planning to do limited testing of IPv6 on June 2-3. If there are not too many problems, we may fully enable IPv6 on World IPv6 day (June 6), and keep it enabled.

What this means for your project:

  • At least on June 2-3, 2012, you may see a small number of edits from IPv6 addresses, which are in the form "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334". See e.g. w:en:IPv6 address. These addresses should behave like any other IP address: You can leave messages on their talk pages; you can track their contributions; you can block them. (See the full version of this announcement for notes on range blocks.)
  • In the mid term, some user scripts and tools will need to be adapted for IPv6.
  • We suspect that IPv6 usage is going to be very low initially, meaning that abuse should be manageable, and we will assist in the monitoring of the situation.

Read the full version of this announcement on how to test the behavior of IPv6 with various tools and how to leave bug reports, and to find a fuller analysis of the implications of the IPv6 migration.

--Erik Möller, VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation 2. jun 2012 kl. 03:15 (CEST)

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2011 Picture of the Year competition



Dear Wikimedians,

Wikimedia Commons is happy to announce that the 2011 Picture of the Year competition is now open. We are interested in your opinion as to which images qualify to be the Picture of the Year 2011. Any user registered at Commons or a Wikimedia wiki SUL-related to Commons with more than 75 edits before 1 April 2012 (UTC) is welcome to vote and, of course everyone is welcome to view!

Detailed information about the contest can be found at the introductory page.

About 600 of the best of Wikimedia Common's photos, animations, movies and graphics were chosen –by the international Wikimedia Commons community– out of 12 million files during 2011 and are now called Featured Pictures.

From professional animal and plant shots to breathtaking panoramas and skylines, restorations of historically relevant images, images portraying the world's best architecture, maps, emblems, diagrams created with the most modern technology, and impressive human portraits, Commons Features Pictures of all flavors.

For your convenience, we have sorted the images into topic categories.

We regret that you receive this message in English; we intended to use banners to notify you in your native language but there was both, human and technical resistance.

See you on Commons! --Picture of the Year 2011 Committee 5. jun 2012 kl. 20:32 (CEST)

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Mobile view as default view coming soon


(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it, as well as the instructions on Meta)

The mobile view of this project and others will soon become the default view on mobile devices (except tablets). Some language versions of these projects currently show no content on the mobile home page, and it is a good time to do a little formatting so users get a mobile-friendly view, or to add to existing mobile content if some already exists.

If you are an administrator, please consider helping with this change. There are instructions which are being translated. The proposed date of switching the default view is June 21.

To contact the mobile team, email mobile-feedback-llists.wikimedia.org.

--Phil Inje Chang, Product Manager, Mobile, Wikimedia Foundation 16. jun 2012 kl. 10:33 (CEST)

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Help decide about more than $10 million of Wikimedia donations in the coming year


(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it)


As many of you are aware, the Wikimedia Board of Trustees recently initiated important changes in the way that money is being distributed within the Wikimedia movement. As part of this, a new community-led "Funds Dissemination Committee" (FDC) is currently being set up. Already in 2012-13, its recommendations will guide the decisions about the distribution of over 10 million US dollars among the Foundation, chapters and other eligible entities.

Now, seven capable, knowledgeable and trustworthy community members are sought to volunteer on the initial Funds Dissemination Committee. It is expected to take up its work in September. In addition, a community member is sought to be the Ombudsperson for the FDC process. If you are interested in joining the committee, read the call for volunteers. Nominations are planned to close on August 15.

--Anasuya Sengupta, Director of Global Learning and Grantmaking, Wikimedia Foundation 19. jul 2012 kl. 22:18 (CEST)

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I apologize for addressing you in English. I would be grateful if you could translate this message into your language.

The Wikimedia Foundation is conducting a request for comment on a proposed program that could provide legal assistance to users in specific support roles who are named in a legal complaint as a defendant because of those roles. We wanted to be sure that your community was aware of this discussion and would have a chance to participate in that discussion.

If this page is not the best place to publicize this request for comment, please help spread the word to those who may be interested in participating. (If you'd like to help translating the "request for comment", program policy or other pages into your language and don't know how the translation system works, please come by my user talk page at m:User talk:Mdennis (WMF). I'll be happy to assist or to connect you with a volunteer who can assist.)

Thank you! --Mdennis (WMF)6. sep 2012 kl. 04:07 (CEST)

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Wikidata is getting close to a first roll-out


(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.)

As some of you might already have heard Wikimedia Deutschland is working on a new Wikimedia project. It is called m:Wikidata. The goal of Wikidata is to become a central data repository for the Wikipedias, its sister projects and the world. In the future it will hold data like the number of inhabitants of a country, the date of birth of a famous person or the length of a river. These can then be used in all Wikimedia projects and outside of them.

The project is divided into three phases and "we are getting close to roll-out the first phase". The phases are:

  1. language links in the Wikipedias (making it possible to store the links between the language editions of an article just once in Wikidata instead of in each linked article)
  2. infoboxes (making it possible to store the data that is currently in infoboxes in one central place and share the data)
  3. lists (making it possible to create lists and similar things based on queries to Wikidata so they update automatically when new data is added or modified)

It'd be great if you could join us, test the demo version, provide feedback and take part in the development of Wikidata. You can find all the relevant information including an FAQ and sign-up links for our on-wiki newsletter on the Wikidata page on Meta.

For further discussions please use this talk page (if you are uncomfortable writing in English you can also write in your native language there) or point me to the place where your discussion is happening so I can answer there.

--Lydia Pintscher 10. sep 2012 kl. 15:32 (CEST)

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Bot flag for AvocatoBot

  • Operator: Avocato
  • Programming Language(s): Python (pywikipedia)
  • Function Summary: Interwiki & Fixing double redirects
  • Contributions: see here
  • Already has bot flag on: +230 wikis

Thank you.--Avocato (diskusjon) 12. sep 2012 kl. 12:44 (CEST)

Upcoming software changes - please report any problems


(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it)

All Wikimedia wikis - including this one - will soon be upgraded with new and possibly disruptive code. This process starts today and finishes on October 24 (see the upgrade schedule & code details).

Please watch for problems with:

  • revision diffs
  • templates
  • CSS and JavaScript pages (like user scripts)
  • bots
  • PDF export
  • images, video, and sound, especially scaling sizes
  • the CologneBlue skin

If you notice any problems, please report problems at our defect tracker site. You can test for possible problems at test2.wikipedia.org and mediawiki.org, which have already been updated.

Thanks! With your help we can find problems fast and get them fixed faster.

Sumana Harihareswara, Wikimedia Foundation Engineering Community Manager (talk) 16. okt 2012 kl. 05:07 (CEST)

P.S.: For the regular, smaller MediaWiki updates every two weeks, please watch this schedule.

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Fundraising localization: volunteers from outside the USA needed


Please translate for your local community

Hello All,

The Wikimedia Foundation's Fundraising team have begun our 'User Experience' project, with the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries outside the USA and enhancing the localization of our donation pages. I am searching for volunteers to spend 30 minutes on a Skype chat with me, reviewing their own country's donation pages. It will be done on a 'usability' format (I will ask you to read the text and go through the donation flow) and will be asking your feedback in the meanwhile.

The only pre-requisite is for the volunteer to actually live in the country and to have access to at least one donation method that we offer for that country (mainly credit/debit card, but also real-time banking like IDEAL, E-wallets, etc...) so we can do a live test and see if the donation goes through. All volunteers will be reimbursed of the donations that eventually succeed (and they will be low amounts, like 1-2 dollars)

By helping us you are actually helping thousands of people to support our mission of free knowledge across the world. Please sing up and help us with our 'User Experience' project! :) If you are interested (or know of anyone who could be) please email ppena@wikimedia.org. All countries needed (excepting USA)!

Pats Pena
Global Fundraising Operations Manager, Wikimedia Foundation

Sent using Global message delivery, 17. okt 2012 kl. 19:13 (CEST)

Be a Wikimedia fundraising "User Experience" volunteer!


Thank you to everyone who volunteered last year on the Wikimedia fundraising 'User Experience' project. We have talked to many different people in different countries and their feedback has helped us immensely in restructuring our pages. If you haven't heard of it yet, the 'User Experience' project has the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries (outside the USA) and enhancing the localization of our donation pages.

I am (still) searching for volunteers to spend some time on a Skype chat with me, reviewing their own country's donation pages. It will be done on a 'usability' format (I will ask you to read the text and go through the donation flow) and will be asking your feedback in the meanwhile.

The only pre-requisite is for the volunteer to actually live in the country and to have access to at least one donation method that we offer for that country (mainly credit/debit card, but also real time banking like IDEAL, E-wallets, etc...) so we can do a live test and see if the donation goes through. **All volunteers will be reimbursed of the donations that eventually succeed (and they will be very low amounts, like 1-2 dollars)**

By helping us you are actually helping thousands of people to support our mission of free knowledge across the world. If you are interested (or know of anyone who could be) please email ppena@wikimedia.org. All countries needed (excepting USA)!!


Pats Pena
Global Fundraising Operations Manager, Wikimedia Foundation

Sent using Global message delivery, 8. jan 2013 kl. 22:10 (CET)

Wikimedia sites to move to primary data center in Ashburn, Virginia. Read-only mode expected.


(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.) Next week, the Wikimedia Foundation will transition its main technical operations to a new data center in Ashburn, Virginia, USA. This is intended to improve the technical performance and reliability of all Wikimedia sites, including this wiki. There will be some times when the site will be in read-only mode, and there may be full outages; the current target windows for the migration are January 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2013, from 17:00 to 01:00 UTC (see other timezones on timeanddate.com). More information is available in the full announcement.

If you would like to stay informed of future technical upgrades, consider becoming a Tech ambassador and joining the ambassadors mailing list. You will be able to help your fellow Wikimedians have a voice in technical discussions and be notified of important decisions.

Thank you for your help and your understanding.

Guillaume Paumier, via the Global message delivery system (wrong page? You can fix it.). 19. jan 2013 kl. 16:33 (CET)

Picture of the Year voting round 1 open


Dear Wikimedians,

Wikimedia Commons is happy to announce that the 2012 Picture of the Year competition is now open. We're interested in your opinion as to which images qualify to be the Picture of the Year for 2012. Voting is open to established Wikimedia users who meet the following criteria:

  1. Users must have an account, at any Wikimedia project, which was registered before Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 [UTC].
  2. This user account must have more than 75 edits on any single Wikimedia project before Tue, 01 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 [UTC]. Please check your account eligibility at the POTY 2012 Contest Eligibility tool.
  3. Users must vote with an account meeting the above requirements either on Commons or another SUL-related Wikimedia project (for other Wikimedia projects, the account must be attached to the user's Commons account through SUL).

Hundreds of images that have been rated Featured Pictures by the international Wikimedia Commons community in the past year are all entered in this competition. From professional animal and plant shots to breathtaking panoramas and skylines, restorations of historically relevant images, images portraying the world's best architecture, maps, emblems, diagrams created with the most modern technology, and impressive human portraits, Commons features pictures of all flavors.

For your convenience, we have sorted the images into topic categories. Two rounds of voting will be held: In the first round, you can vote for as many images as you like. The first round category winners and the top ten overall will then make it to the final. In the final round, when a limited number of images are left, you must decide on the one image that you want to become the Picture of the Year.

To see the candidate images just go to the POTY 2012 page on Wikimedia Commons.

Wikimedia Commons celebrates our featured images of 2012 with this contest. Your votes decide the Picture of the Year, so remember to vote in the first round by January 30, 2013.

the Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Year committee

This message was delivered based on m:Distribution list/Global message delivery. Translation fetched from: commons:Commons:Picture of the Year/2012/Translations/Village Pump/en -- Rillke (diskusjon) 23. jan 2013 kl. 00:56 (CET)

Help turn ideas into grants in the new IdeaLab


I apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.

  • Do you have an idea for a project to improve this community or website?
  • Do you think you could complete your idea if only you had some funding?
  • Do you want to help other people turn their ideas into project plans or grant proposals?

Please join us in the IdeaLab, an incubator for project ideas and Individual Engagement Grant proposals.

The Wikimedia Foundation is seeking new ideas and proposals for Individual Engagement Grants. These grants fund individuals or small groups to complete projects that help improve this community. If interested, please submit a completed proposal by February 15, 2013. Please visit https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IEG for more information.

Thanks! --Siko Bouterse, Head of Individual Engagement Grants, Wikimedia Foundation 30. jan 2013 kl. 21:44 (CET)

Distributed via Global message delivery. (Wrong page? Correct it here.)

Convert complex templates to Lua to make them faster and more powerful


(Please consider translating this message for the benefit of your fellow Wikimedians)

Greetings. As you might have seen on the Wikimedia tech blog or the tech ambassadors list, a new functionality called "Lua" is being enabled on all Wikimedia sites today. Lua is a scripting language that enables you to write faster and more powerful MediaWiki templates.

If you have questions about how to convert existing templates to Lua (or how to create new ones), we'll be holding two support sessions on IRC next week: one on Wednesday (for Oceania, Asia & America) and one on Friday (for Europe, Africa & America); see m:IRC office hours for the details. If you can't make it, you can also get help at mw:Talk:Lua scripting.

If you'd like to learn about this kind of events earlier in advance, consider becoming a Tech ambassador by subscribing to the mailing list. You will also be able to help your fellow Wikimedians have a voice in technical discussions and be notified of important decisions.

Guillaume Paumier, via the Global message delivery system. 13. mar 2013 kl. 21:13 (CET) (wrong page? You can fix it.)

The Wikinewsie Group


Hi. After consulting with a number of community members, we have started the first step in creating a potential Wikimedia Affiliate group. The details can be found at The Wikinewsie Group. The purpose of the group is to:

  1. support open license, independent journalistic efforts that provide neutral and verifiable reporting of news stories,
  2. support the education of future journalists in trying to insure they maintain historical journalistic ideals regarding reporting standards,
  3. support efforts to increase journalist freedom to report around the globe,
  4. encourage participation of and facilitate non-professional journalists practicing their craft on Wikinews, and
  5. support the mission statement and vision of the Wikimedia Foundation.

This aims to compliment and support existing efforts, and there is zero intention of imposing one language's policies on another language. The project should assist in increasing original reporting, improving original reporting according to local project standards, better supporting our small community and increasing participation.

Please sign up here by listing your name to indicate you support our group. If you have any questions, please do not hestitate to ask as we will be more than happy to answer them. Thanks. --LauraHale (diskusjon) 6. apr 2013 kl. 11:38 (CEST)

The Wikinewsie Group bylaws draft


First, let me apologize for writing in English. A copy of the draft bylaws for the The Wikinewsie Group have been posted at The Wikinewsie Group/Bylaws. Alongside these, a Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Journalists have also been posted, which detail our understanding of concepts found in the draft bylaws. Feedback would be appreciated on these. If you agree with them and have no suggestions for modification on one or both documents, please comment on Bylaws talk page or Declaration talk page to say so. Conversely, if you are interested in joining The Wikinewsie Group, please feel free to comment on the relevant talk page with feedback on what changes you might like to see. Thank you.--LauraHale (diskusjon) 11. apr 2013 kl. 06:33 (CEST)

Request for comment on inactive administrators

(Please consider translating this message for the benefit of your fellow Wikimedians. Please also consider translating the proposal.)

Read this message in English / Lleer esti mensaxe n'asturianu / বাংলায় এই বার্তাটি পড়ুন / Llegiu aquest missatge en català / Læs denne besked på dansk / Lies diese Nachricht auf Deutsch / Leś cal mesag' chè in Emiliàn / Leer este mensaje en español / Lue tämä viesti suomeksi / Lire ce message en français / Ler esta mensaxe en galego / हिन्दी / Pročitajte ovu poruku na hrvatskom / Baca pesan ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia / Leggi questo messaggio in italiano / ಈ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಓದಿ / Aqra dan il-messaġġ bil-Malti / norsk (bokmål) / Lees dit bericht in het Nederlands / Przeczytaj tę wiadomość po polsku / Citiți acest mesaj în română / Прочитать это сообщение на русском / Farriintaan ku aqri Af-Soomaali / Pročitaj ovu poruku na srpskom (Прочитај ову поруку на српском) / อ่านข้อความนี้ในภาษาไทย / Прочитати це повідомлення українською мовою / Đọc thông báo bằng tiếng Việt / 使用中文阅读本信息。


Der er innkommet et nytt ønske om kommentarer på Meta-Wiki vedrørende fjerning av rettigheter for langtidspassive Wikimedianere. Forslaget fra stewardene dreier seg generelt mest om wikier uten prosesser med periodisk administrator-gjennomgang.

Vi kompilerer også en liste over prosjekter med prosedyrer for fjerning av passive administratorer på diskusjonssiden til siden med kommentarønsker. Legg gjerne til ditt/dine prosjekter på listen dersom der er en policy for fjerning av inaktive administratorer.

Alle innspill vil bli satt pris på. En sikter mot avsluttet diskusjon 23. mai 2013, men denne tiden kan forlenges dersom det trengs.

På forhånd takk! Billinghurst (thanks to all the translators!) 24. apr 2013 kl. 07:08 (CEST)

Distribuert via Global message delivery (Er dette havnet på feil side? Det kan du i så fall fikse her.)

[en] Change to wiki account system and account renaming


Some accounts will soon be renamed due to a technical change that the developer team at Wikimedia are making. More details on Meta.

(Distributed via global message delivery 30. apr 2013 kl. 05:59 (CEST). Wrong page? Correct it here.)


The default position of the "edit" link in page section headers is going to change soon. The "edit" link will be positioned adjacent to the page header text rather than floating opposite it.

Section edit links will be to the immediate right of section titles, instead of on the far right. If you're an editor of one of the wikis which already implemented this change, nothing will substantially change for you; however, scripts and gadgets depending on the previous implementation of section edit links will have to be adjusted to continue working; however, nothing else should break even if they are not updated in time.

Detailed information and a timeline is available on meta.

Ideas to do this all the way to 2009 at least. It is often difficult to track which of several potential section edit links on the far right is associated with the correct section, and many readers and anonymous or new editors may even be failing to notice section edit links at all, since they read section titles, which are far away from the links.

(Distributed via global message delivery 30. apr 2013 kl. 20:49 (CEST). Wrong page? Correct it here.)



Det burde vært en arkivfunksjon for Desken. Å bla seg gjennom over 60 titler for å komme til bunnen, er ikke særlig inspirerende, spesielt ikke når det aller meste er engelske meldinger som vel er blitt sendt til alle Wikier. --Harald Haugland (diskusjon) 13. mai 2013 kl. 13:33 (CEST)Svar



Mitt siste bidrag kunne vel like gjerne blitt plassert i seksjon Kultur, så kunne artikkelen om Whitney Huston fra 2012 fått avløsning. Men jeg vet ikke hvordan man gjør slikt her. --Harald Haugland (diskusjon) 13. mai 2013 kl. 13:35 (CEST)Svar

Tech newsletter: Subscribe to receive the next editions

Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message deliveryContributeTranslateGet helpGive feedbackUnsubscribe • 20. mai 2013 kl. 23:01 (CEST)
Important note: This is the first edition of the Tech News weekly summaries, which help you monitor recent software changes likely to impact you and your fellow Wikimedians.

If you want to continue to receive the next issues every week, please subscribe to the newsletter. You can subscribe your personal talk page and a community page like this one. The newsletter can be translated into your language.

You can also become a tech ambassador, help us write the next newsletter and tell us what to improve. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. guillom 20. mai 2013 kl. 23:01 (CEST)Svar

Trademark discussion


Hi, apologies for posting this in English, but I wanted to alert your community to a discussion on Meta about potential changes to the Wikimedia Trademark Policy. Please translate this statement if you can. We hope that you will all participate in the discussion; we also welcome translations of the legal team’s statement into as many languages as possible and encourage you to voice your thoughts there. Please see the Trademark practices discussion (on Meta-Wiki) for more information. Thank you! --Mdennis (WMF) (talk)

Toppnyheter fra Wikimedia, mai 2013

Highlights fra Wikimedia Foundation Report og Wikimedia engineering report for mai 2013, samt utvalgte andre nyheter fra Wikimedia-verdenen
About · Subscribe · Distributed via Global message delivery (wrong page? Correct it here), 18. jun 2013 kl. 00:45 (CEST)

Universal Language Selector will be enabled on 2013-07-09


Pywikipedia is migrating to git


Hello, Sorry for English but It's very important for bot operators so I hope someone translates this. Pywikipedia is migrating to Git so after July 26, SVN checkouts won't be updated If you're using Pywikipedia you have to switch to git, otherwise you will use out-dated framework and your bot might not work properly. There is a manual for doing that and a blog post explaining about this change in non-technical language. If you have question feel free to ask in mw:Manual talk:Pywikipediabot/Gerrit, mailing list, or in the IRC channel. Best Amir (via Global message delivery). 23. jul 2013 kl. 15:36 (CEST)

HTTPS for users with an account


Greetings. Starting on August 21 (tomorrow), all users with an account will be using HTTPS to access Wikimedia sites. HTTPS brings better security and improves your privacy. More information is available at m:HTTPS.

If HTTPS causes problems for you, tell us on bugzilla, on IRC (in the #wikimedia-operations channel) or on meta. If you can't use the other methods, you can also send an e-mail to https@wikimedia.org.

Greg Grossmeier (via the Global message delivery system). 20. aug 2013 kl. 21:30 (CEST) (wrong page? You can fix it.)

Toppnyheter fra Wikimedia, juli 2013

About · Subscribe · Distributed via Global message delivery (wrong page? Correct it here), 3. sep 2013 kl. 04:05 (CEST)

Original reporting output


First, I apologize for not writing in the project's own language.

Since May 1, when The Wikinewsie Group Newsletter first began tracking original reporting taking place across all projects, 227 stories have been published by 78 reporters 14 different language Wikinews projects. The projects with the greatest number of reporters engaged in original reporting were English with 15, Russian with 14, Polish with 13 and French with 10. Beyond these, original there were one or more journalists engaging in original reporting on Catalan, Chinese, Esperanto, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Serbian, Spanish and Ukrainian. The peak month for reporting across all projects was May with 52 articles. It was followed by June with 49, August with 44, September with 43 and July with 39.

In the past four months, Spanish, Polish, French, Ukrainian, Russian and English have all produced over 20 total pieces of original reporting, with Russian Wikinews publishing 41 stories and English Wikinews publishing 60 stories.

LauraHale, RockerballAustralia, Antanana, Agamitsudo, Dmitry Rozhkov, Plogi, Krassotkin, Schekinov Alexey Victorovich, and MadriCR have each produced 5 or more pieces of original reporting in the past four months. Another group of users, Joan301009, Bddpaux, Computron, Laslovarga, Fed4ev and Yakudza, have produced four articles each. If you are on this list, please seriously consider applying for accredited reporter status on English Wikinews. This will make it easier to identify contributors from around the globe to do original reporting on any special reporting projects done by The Wikinewsie Group.

For September, only three pieces of 43 original reports produced were translated from one language to another. They were Wikinews interviews specialists on China, Iran, Russia support for al-Assad, Wikinews interviews Dr Thomas Scotto and Dr Steve Hewitt about potential US military intervention in Syria, Atlético de Madrid defeats Real Madrid 1-0 in 2013 derby and Tokio gana la sede de los Juegos Olímpicos 2020. Original reporting is a major strength of Wikinews. It is one we should be playing to. Please consider translating your work into another language, or finding a local reporter to assist you with translation work and publishing policy. This will benefit all languages, promote more cooperation between projects, and expand news reach for our reporting which we can leverage to provide more opportunities for reporters.

The Wikinewsie Group is hoping to facilitate more cross-language work. The Wikinewsie Group/Local Wikinews policies is a list of local policies. If some one from each project could complete the row for their language, it would be incredibly useful. Thank you.

Every month, The Wikinewsie Group puts out a newsletter. Please consider putting any local project news on the newsletter. This could include discussions on reporter accreditation, installation of new extensions, translation policies, WMF related discussions of interest to the project. We want to know what Wikinews projects are up to. We need your assistance with that. Please share what is happening. --LauraHale (diskusjon) 1. okt 2013 kl. 18:09 (CEST)


Notifications inform you of new activity that affects you -- and let you take quick action.

(This message is in English, please translate as needed)


Notifications will inform users about new activity that affects them on this wiki in a unified way: for example, this new tool will let you know when you have new talk page messages, edit reverts, mentions or links -- and is designed to augment (rather than replace) the watchlist. The Wikimedia Foundation's editor engagement team developed this tool (code-named 'Echo') earlier this year, to help users contribute more productively to MediaWiki projects.

We're now getting ready to bring Notifications to almost all other Wikimedia sites, and are aiming for a 22 October deployment, as outlined in this release plan. It is important that notifications is translated for all of the languages we serve.

There are three major points of translation needed to be either done or checked:

Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments about this new tool. For more information, visit this project hub and this help page. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 4. okt. 2013 kl. 21:02 (CEST)Svar

(via the Global message delivery system) (wrong page? You can fix it.)

Speak up about the trademark registration of the Community logo.


Introducting Beta Features


(Apologies for writing in English. Please translate if necessary)

We would like to let you know about Beta Features, a new program from the Wikimedia Foundation that lets you try out new features before they are released for everyone.

Think of it as a digital laboratory where community members can preview upcoming software and give feedback to help improve them. This special preference page lets designers and engineers experiment with new features on a broad scale, but in a way that's not disruptive.

Beta Features is now ready for testing on MediaWiki.org. It will also be released on Wikimedia Commons and MetaWiki this Thursday, 7 November. Based on test results, the plan is to release it on all wikis worldwide on 21 November, 2013.

Here are the first features you can test this week:

Would you like to try out Beta Features now? After you log in on MediaWiki.org, a small 'Beta' link will appear next to your 'Preferences'. Click on it to see features you can test, check the ones you want, then click 'Save'. Learn more on the Beta Features page.

After you've tested Beta Features, please let the developers know what you think on this discussion page -- or report any bugs here on Bugzilla. You're also welcome to join this IRC office hours chat on Friday, 8 November at 18:30 UTC.

Beta Features was developed by the Wikimedia Foundation's Design, Multimedia and VisualEditor teams. Along with other developers, they will be adding new features to this experimental program every few weeks. They are very grateful to all the community members who helped create this project — and look forward to many more productive collaborations in the future.

Enjoy, and don't forget to let developers know what you think! Keegan (WMF) (talk) 5. nov. 2013 kl. 21:25 (CET)Svar

Distributed via Global message delivery (wrong page? Correct it here), 5. nov. 2013 kl. 21:25 (CET)

Wikimedia-nytt, august 2013

[[m:Wikimedia Highlights|Sentrale punkter fra Wikimedia Foundation Report og Wikimedia engineering report for August 2013, samt andre WM-relaterte hendinger.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via Global message delivery (wrong page? Correct it here), 7. nov. 2013 kl. 07:40 (CET)

Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia, september 2013

Sentrale punkter fra: Wikimedia Foundation Report, sept. 2013 og Wikimedia engineering report sept. 2013 samt andre WM-relaterte hendinger.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via Global message delivery (wrong page? Correct it here), 7. nov. 2013 kl. 07:45 (CET)

Call for comments on draft trademark policy


Wikidata and Wikinews



I invite you to participate in the development of the draft about how Wikidata could support Wikinews.

I would appreciate if someone would translate this message and into your language so more members of your community can contribute to the conversation.

Thank you!
--sasha (krassotkin) 11. des. 2013 kl. 19:47 (CET)Svar

Request for comment on Commons: Should Wikimedia support MP4 video?


I apologize for this message being only in English. Please translate it if needed to help your community.

The Wikimedia Foundation's multimedia team seeks community guidance on a proposal to support the MP4 video format. This digital video standard is used widely around the world to record, edit and watch videos on mobile phones, desktop computers and home video devices. It is also known as H.264/MPEG-4 or AVC.

Supporting the MP4 format would make it much easier for our users to view and contribute video on Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects -- and video files could be offered in dual formats on our sites, so we could continue to support current open formats (WebM and Ogg Theora).

However, MP4 is a patent-encumbered format, and using a proprietary format would be a departure from our current practice of only supporting open formats on our sites -- even though the licenses appear to have acceptable legal terms, with only a small fee required.

We would appreciate your guidance on whether or not to support MP4. Our Request for Comments presents views both in favor and against MP4 support, based on opinions we’ve heard in our discussions with community and team members.

Please join this RfC -- and share your advice.

All users are welcome to participate, whether you are active on Commons, Wikipedia, other Wikimedia project -- or any site that uses content from our free media repository.

You are also welcome to join tomorrow's Office hours chat on IRC, this Thursday, January 16, at 19:00 UTC, if you would like to discuss this project with our team and other community members.

We look forward to a constructive discussion with you, so we can make a more informed decision together on this important topic. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 16. jan. 2014 kl. 07:47 (CET)Svar

Universal Language Selector will be enabled by default again on this wiki by 21 February 2014


On January 21 2014 the MediaWiki extension Universal Language Selector (ULS) was disabled on this wiki. A new preference was added for logged-in users to turn on ULS. This was done to prevent slow loading of pages due to ULS webfonts, a behaviour that had been observed by the Wikimedia Technical Operations team on some wikis.

We are now ready to enable ULS again. The temporary preference to enable ULS will be removed. A new checkbox has been added to the Language Panel to enable/disable font delivery. This will be unchecked by default for this wiki, but can be selected at any time by the users to enable webfonts. This is an interim solution while we improve the feature of webfonts delivery.

You can read the announcement and the development plan for more information. Apologies for writing this message only in English. Thank you. Runa

Amendment to the Terms of Use


Call for project ideas: funding is available for community experiments


I apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.

Do you have an idea for a project that could improve your community? Individual Engagement Grants from the Wikimedia Foundation help support individuals and small teams to organize experiments for 6 months. You can get funding to try out your idea for online community organizing, outreach, tool-building, or research to help make Wikinytt better. In March, we’re looking for new project proposals.

Examples of past Individual Engagement Grant projects:

Proposals are due by 31 March 2014. There are a number of ways to get involved!

Hope to have your participation,

--Siko Bouterse, Head of Individual Engagement Grants, Wikimedia Foundation 28. feb. 2014 kl. 20:44 (CET)Svar

Proposed optional changes to Terms of Use amendment

Hello all, in response to some community comments in the discussion on the amendment to the Terms of Use on undisclosed paid editing, we have prepared two optional changes. Please read about these optional changes on Meta wiki and share your comments. If you can (and this is a non english project), please translate this announcement. Thanks! Slaporte (WMF) 13. mar. 2014 kl. 22:56 (CET)Svar

Changes to the default site typography coming soon


This week, the typography on Wikimedia sites will be updated for all readers and editors who use the default "Vector" skin. This change will involve new serif fonts for some headings, small tweaks to body content fonts, text size, text color, and spacing between elements. The schedule is:

  • April 1st: non-Wikipedia projects will see this change live
  • April 3rd: Wikipedias will see this change live

This change is very similar to the "Typography Update" Beta Feature that has been available on Wikimedia projects since November 2013. After several rounds of testing and with feedback from the community, this Beta Feature will be disabled and successful aspects enabled in the default site appearance. Users who are logged in may still choose to use another skin, or alter their personal CSS, if they prefer a different appearance. Local common CSS styles will also apply as normal, for issues with local styles and scripts that impact all users.

For more information:

-- Steven Walling (Product Manager) on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's User Experience Design team

Bot policy


Hello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. In particular, this policy allows stewards to automatically flag known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable), which form the vast majority of such requests. The policy also enables global bots on this wiki (if this page says that is acceptable), which are trusted bots that will be given bot access on every wiki that allows global bots.

This policy makes bot access requesting much easier for local users, operators, and stewards. To implement it we only need to create a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and add a line at the top noting that it is used here. Please read the text at m:Bot policy before commenting. If you object, please say so; I hope to implement in two weeks if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. John F. Lewis (diskusjon) 12. apr. 2014 kl. 20:53 (CEST)Svar

Restarting discussion regarding Wikinewsie.org


Following the board's rejecting AffComm's recommendation to recognise The Wikinewsie Group, and some confusing communication regarding incorporation, I'm trying to re-open discussion on the matter. If it is more-convenient to copy and translate my post on English Wikinews to enable local discussion, please do.

Restarting the process needs broader support than previously received. That means whatever we end up with has to meet the needs of more contributors and readers. --Brian McNeil/talk 16. apr. 2014 kl. 16:18 (CEST)Svar

Wikimedia-nytt, mars 2014

Highlights fra Wikimedia Foundation Report og Wikimedia engineering report for mars 2014 samt annet fra Wikimediabevegelsen
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 7. mai 2014 kl. 06:53 (CEST)

Using only UploadWizard for uploads

Wikimedia Commons logo

Hello! It was noted that on this wiki you have less than 10 local files. Presumably, you therefore don't have interest nor energies to have hundreds templates with the now required HTML, even less a local EDP. However, this means that users here will experience a mostly broken and/or illegal uploading. I propose to

so that you can avoid local maintenance and all users can have a functioning, easy upload interface in their own language. All registered users can upload on Commons and existing files will not be affected.

I'll get this done in one week from now.

  1. If you disagree with the proposal, just remove your wiki from the list.
  2. To make the UploadWizard even better, please tell your experience and ideas on commons:Commons:Upload Wizard feedback.

Nemo 19. mai 2014 kl. 22:38 (CEST)Svar

Media Viewer


Greetings, my apologies for writing in English.

I wanted to let you know that Media Viewer will be released to this wiki in the coming weeks. Media Viewer allows readers of Wikimedia projects to have an enhanced view of files without having to visit the file page, but with more detail than a thumbnail. You can try Media Viewer out now by turning it on in your Beta Features. If you do not enjoy Media Viewer or if it interferes with your work after it is turned on you will be able to disable Media Viewer as well in your preferences. I invite you to share what you think about Media Viewer and how it can be made better in the future.

Thank you for your time. - Keegan (WMF) 23. mai 2014 kl. 23:29 (CEST)Svar

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!


Hell everyone,

Sorry for writing in English - I hope someone from the community could translate this if necessary :)

We have just announced that Wikinews will start having it's inter-language links (sitelinks) served by Wikidata on August 19th if nothing changes before then. This will mean sitelinks will no longer be managed through wikitext locally but instead through Wikidata's interface. This brings the chance of having up-to-date language links for all Wikinews communities and the possibility to have links to other projects also served by Wikidata.

You can read more about this and contribute to proposals and Wikidata policies regarding Wikinews at Wikidata:Wikinews over on Wikidata.

On behalf of the development team, John F. Lewis (talk) 22. jul. 2014 kl. 21:08 (CEST)Svar

Wikidata is here


Hey everyone :)

(Sorry for writing in English. I hope someone can translate this where necessary.)

As announced earlier we just enabled the first part of Wikidata support for you. In this first part you are able to maintain interwiki links centrally on Wikidata and no longer need to keep them in the wikitext. Interwiki links in the wikitext will continue to work though and you can overwrite what is coming from Wikidata if you want to. If you have more questions there is a page on Wikidata with the most important information and where you can also ask your questions: d:Wikidata:Wikinews.

In a later step you'll also get access to the actual data in Wikidata. This includes things like the geocoordinate of a city or the date of birth of a person. I'll keep you informed when that will be as soon as I know.

Cheers Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) 20. aug. 2014 kl. 08:15 (CEST)Svar

Letter petitioning WMF to reverse recent decisions


The Wikimedia Foundation recently created a new feature, "superprotect" status. The purpose is to prevent pages from being edited by elected administrators -- but permitting WMF staff to edit them. It has been put to use in only one case: to protect the deployment of the Media Viewer software on German Wikipedia, in defiance of a clear decision of that community to disable the feature by default, unless users decide to enable it.

If you oppose these actions, please add your name to this letter. If you know non-Wikimedians who support our vision for the free sharing of knowledge, and would like to add their names to the list, please ask them to sign an identical version of the letter on change.org.

-- JurgenNL (talk) 21. aug. 2014 kl. 19:35 (CEST)Svar

Process ideas for software development


’’My apologies for writing in English.’’


I am notifying you that a brainstorming session has been started on Meta to help the Wikimedia Foundation increase and better affect community participation in software development across all wiki projects. Basically, how can you be more involved in helping to create features on Wikimedia projects? We are inviting all interested users to voice their ideas on how communities can be more involved and informed in the product development process at the Wikimedia Foundation. It would be very appreciated if you could translate this message to help inform your local communities as well.

I and the rest of my team welcome you to participate. We hope to see you on Meta.

Kind regards, -- Rdicerb (WMF) talk 22. aug. 2014 kl. 00:15 (CEST)Svar

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!

Grants to improve your project

Apologies for English. Please help translate this message.

Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals for funding new experiments from September 1st to 30th. Your idea could improve Wikimedia projects with a new tool or gadget, a better process to support community-building on your wiki, research on an important issue, or something else we haven't thought of yet. Whether you need $200 or $30,000 USD, Individual Engagement Grants can cover your own project development time in addition to hiring others to help you.

Meta RfCs on two new global groups

Hello all,

There are currently requests for comment open on meta to create two new global groups. The first is a group for members of the OTRS permissions queue, which would grant them autopatrolled rights on all wikis except those who opt-out. That proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Creation of a global OTRS-permissions user group. The second is a group for Wikimedia Commons admins and OTRS agents to view deleted file pages through the 'viewdeletedfile' right on all wikis except those who opt-out. The second proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Global file deletion review.

We would like to hear what you think on both proposals. Both are in English; if you wanted to translate them into your native language that would also be appreciated.

It is possible for individual projects to opt-out, so that users in those groups do not have any additional rights on those projects. To do this please start a local discussion, and if there is consensus you can request to opt-out of either or both at m:Stewards' noticeboard.

Thanks and regards, Ajraddatz (talk) 26. okt. 2014 kl. 19:05 (CET)Svar

Global AbuseFilter


AbuseFilter is a MediaWiki extension used to detect likely abusive behavior patterns, like pattern vandalism and spam. In 2013, Global AbuseFilters were enabled on a limited set of wikis including Meta-Wiki, MediaWiki.org, Wikispecies and (in early 2014) all the "small wikis". Recently, global abuse filters were enabled on "medium sized wikis" as well. These filters are currently managed by stewards on Meta-Wiki and have shown to be very effective in preventing mass spam attacks across Wikimedia projects. However, there is currently no policy on how the global AbuseFilters will be managed although there are proposals. There is an ongoing request for comment on policy governing the use of the global AbuseFilters. In the meantime, specific wikis can opt out of using the global AbuseFilter. These wikis can simply add a request to this list on Meta-Wiki. More details can be found on this page at Meta-Wiki. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on m:Talk:Global AbuseFilter.


PiRSquared17, Glaisher

— 14. nov. 2014 kl. 18:34 (CET)

VisualEditor coming to this wiki as a Beta Feature


Hello. Please excuse the English. I would be grateful if you translated this message!

VisualEditor, a rich-text editor for MediaWiki, will soon be available on this wiki as a Beta Feature. The estimated date of activation is Wednesday, 26 November.

To access it, you will need to visit the Betafunksjoner page after the deployment and tick the box next to "⧼Visualeditor-preference-core-label⧽". (If you have enabled the "Automatisk aktiver de fleste nye betafunksjoner" option, VisualEditor will be automatically available for you.) There will also be a "⧼Visualeditor-preference-language-label⧽" that you can enable if you need it.

Then, you just have to click on "Rediger" to start VisualEditor, or on "Rediger kilde" to edit using wikitext markup. You can even begin to edit pages with VisualEditor and then switch to the wikitext editor simply by clicking on its tab at any point, and you can keep your changes when doing so.

A guide was just published at mediawiki.org so that you can learn how to support your community with this transition: please read and translate it if you can! You will find all the information about the next steps there. Please report any suggestions or issues at the main feedback page. You will also receive the next issues of the multilingual monthly newsletter here on this page: if you want it delivered elsewhere, for example at your personal talk page, please add the relevant page here.

Thanks for your attention and happy editing, Elitre (WMF) 21. nov. 2014 kl. 19:12 (CET)Svar

VisualEditor coming to this wiki as a Beta Feature (errata)


VisualEditor News #10—2014


26. des. 2014 kl. 19:59 (CET)

VisualEditor News #1—2015


5. feb. 2015 kl. 19:30 (CET)

IMPORTANT: Admin activity review


Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc) was adopted by global community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing administrators' activity on all Wikimedia Foundation wikis with no inactivity policy. To the best of our knowledge, your wiki does not have a formal process for removing "advanced rights" from inactive accounts. This means that the stewards will take care of this according to the admin activity review.

We have determined that the following users meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for more than 2 years):

  1. Lipothymia (administrator)

These users will receive a notification soon, asking them to start a community discussion if they want to retain some or all of their rights. If the users do not respond, then their advanced rights will be removed by the stewards.

However, if you as a community would like to create your own activity review process superseding the global one, want to make another decision about these inactive rights holders, or already have a policy that we missed, then please notify the stewards on Meta-Wiki so that we know not to proceed with the rights review on your wiki. Thanks, Openbk (talk) 5. feb. 2015 kl. 20:58 (CET)Svar

Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia, desember 2014

Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia blog for desember 2014, om et utvalg av activities of the Wikimedia Foundation og andre viktige hendelser fra Wikimediabevegelsen.

Help is welcome for translating the January 2015 Wikimedia Highlights, too.

About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 28. feb. 2015 kl. 22:17 (CET)

[Global proposal] m.Wikinytt.org: (alle) Redigere sider

MediaWiki mobile

Hi, this message is to let you know that, on domains like nb.m.wikipedia.org, unregistered users cannot edit. At the Wikimedia Forum, where global configuration changes are normally discussed, a few dozens users propose to restore normal editing permissions on all mobile sites. Please read and comment!

Thanks and sorry for writing in English, Nemo 1. mar. 2015 kl. 23:32 (CET)Svar

Inspire-kampanjen for å forbedre mangfold og innhold


I mars organiserer vi Inspire-kampanjen som søker å fremme og støtte nye ideer for å forbedre kjønnsubalansen på Wikimedia-prosjektene. Mindre enn 20 % av Wikimedias bidragsytere er kvinner, og mange viktige emner mangler fortsatt dekning på prosjektene våre. Vi inviterer alle wikimedianere til å delta. Om du har en idé som kan hjelpe til å fikse dette problemet er du velkommen til å involvere deg i dag! Kampanjen varer til 31. mars.

Alle forslag er velkomne – forskningsprosjekter, tekniske løsninger, samfunnsorganiserings- og utrekningsinitiativer, eller noe helt nytt! Finansiering fra Wikimedia Foundation er tilgjengelig for prosjekter som trenger det. Konstruktive og positive tilbakemeldinger til ideer settes pris på, og samarbeid oppmuntres – din erfaring kan hjelpe andres prosjekter til live. Bli med i Inspire-kampanjen og hjelp til å forbedre Wikimedia-prosjektenes dekning av verdens kunnskap. MediaWiki message delivery (diskusjon) 5. mar. 2015 kl. 00:34 (CET)Svar

SUL finalization update


Hi all,apologies for writing in English, please read this page for important information and an update involving SUL finalization, scheduled to take place in one month. Thanks. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 13. mar. 2015 kl. 20:45 (CET)Svar

Stewards confirmation rules


Hello, I made a proposal on Meta to change the rules for the steward confirmations. Currently consensus to remove is required for a steward to lose his status, however I think it's fairer to the community if every steward needed the consensus to keep. As this is an issue that affects all WMF wikis, I'm sending this notification to let people know & be able to participate. Best regards, --MF-W 10. apr. 2015 kl. 18:13 (CEST)Svar

VisualEditor News #2—2015


10. apr. 2015 kl. 21:49 (CEST)

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.


I am pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections. This year the Board and the FDC Staff are looking for a diverse set of candidates from regions and projects that are traditionally under-represented on the board and in the movement as well as candidates with experience in technology, product or finance. To this end they have published letters describing what they think is needed and, recognizing that those who know the community the best are the community themselves, the election committee is accepting nominations for community members you think should run and will reach out to those nominated to provide them with information about the job and the election process.

This year, elections are being held for the following roles:

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long term sustainability of the Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. There are three positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the board elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) Ombud
The FDC Ombud receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC Ombudsperson elections page.

The candidacy submission phase lasts from 00:00 UTC April 20 to 23:59 UTC May 5 for the Board and from 00:00 UTCApril 20 to 23:59 UTC April 30 for the FDC and FDC Ombudsperson. This year, we are accepting both self-nominations and nominations of others. More information on this election and the nomination process can be found on the 2015 Wikimedia elections page on Meta-Wiki.

Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the talk page on Meta, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections -at- wikimedia.org

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, 05:03, 21 April 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia, februar 2015

Her er høydepunktene fra Wikimedia bloggen i februar 2015. De dekker utvalgte aktiviteter og hendelser hos WMF og andre av WMs undergrupper.
Help is welcome for translating the March 2015 Wikimedia Highlights, too.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 4. mai 2015 kl. 03:50 (CEST)

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson will continue during the voting. Nominations for the Board of Trustees will be accepted until 23:59 UTC May 5.

The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions on the committee being filled.

The FDC Ombudsperson receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 3 to 23:59 UTC May 10. Click here to vote. Questions and discussion with the candidates will continue during that time. Click here to ask the FDC candidates a question. Click here to ask the FDC Ombudsperson candidates a question. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 FDC election page, the 2015 FDC Ombudsperson election page, and the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 03:45, 4 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Board will continue during the voting.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 17 to 23:59 UTC May 31. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 17:20, 17 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Board will continue during the voting.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 17 to 23:59 UTC May 31. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 17:20, 17 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Wikimedia-nytt, april 2015

Her er de viktigste postene fra highlights fra Wikimedia bloggen fra april 2015.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 25. mai 2015 kl. 07:19 (CEST)

Pywikibot compat will no longer be supported - Please migrate to pywikibot core


Sorry for English, I hope someone translates this.
Pywikibot (then "Pywikipediabot") was started back in 2002. In 2007 a new branch (formerly known as "rewrite", now called "core") was started from scratch using the MediaWiki API. The developers of Pywikibot have decided to stop supporting the compat version of Pywikibot due to bad performance and architectural errors that make it hard to update, compared to core. If you are using pywikibot compat it is likely your code will break due to upcoming MediaWiki API changes (e.g. T101524). It is highly recommended you migrate to the core framework. There is a migration guide, and please contact us if you have any problem.

There is an upcoming MediaWiki API breaking change that compat will not be updated for. If your bot's name is in this list, your bot will most likely break.

Thank you,
The Pywikibot development team, 19:30, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

Pywikibot compat will no longer be supported - Please migrate to pywikibot core


Sorry for English, I hope someone translates this.
Pywikibot (then "Pywikipediabot") was started back in 2002. In 2007 a new branch (formerly known as "rewrite", now called "core") was started from scratch using the MediaWiki API. The developers of Pywikibot have decided to stop supporting the compat version of Pywikibot due to bad performance and architectural errors that make it hard to update, compared to core. If you are using pywikibot compat it is likely your code will break due to upcoming MediaWiki API changes (e.g. T101524). It is highly recommended you migrate to the core framework. There is a migration guide, and please contact us if you have any problem.

There is an upcoming MediaWiki API breaking change that compat will not be updated for. If your bot's name is in this list, your bot will most likely break.

Thank you,
The Pywikibot development team, 19:30, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

VisualEditor News #3—2015


13. jun. 2015 kl. 12:44 (CEST)

VisualEditor News #3—2015


13. jun. 2015 kl. 14:42 (CEST)



20. jun. 2015 kl. 00:00 (CEST)



20. jun. 2015 kl. 01:43 (CEST)

Wikimedia-nytt, mai 2015

Her er de viktigste toppnotisene fra Wikimedia bloggen for mai 2015
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 23. jun. 2015 kl. 20:45 (CEST)

Proposal to create PNG thumbnails of static GIF images

The thumbnail of this gif is of really bad quality.
How a PNG thumb of this GIF would look like

There is a proposal at the Commons Village Pump requesting feedback about the thumbnails of static GIF images: It states that static GIF files should have their thumbnails created in PNG. The advantages of PNG over GIF would be visible especially with GIF images using an alpha channel. (compare the thumbnails on the side)

This change would affect all wikis, so if you support/oppose or want to give general feedback/concerns, please post them to the proposal page. Thank you. --McZusatz (talk) & MediaWiki message delivery (diskusjon) 24. jul. 2015 kl. 07:07 (CEST)Svar

What does a Healthy Community look like to you?


The Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation has launched a new learning campaign. The WMF wants to record community impressions about what makes a healthy online community. Share your views and/or create a drawing and take a chance to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship! Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions on the campaign's page.

Why get involved?


The world is changing. The way we relate to knowledge is transforming. As the next billion people come online, the Wikimedia movement is working to bring more users on the wiki projects. The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects. How accessible are Wikimedia projects to newcomers today? Are we helping each other learn?
Share your views on this matter that affects us all!
We invite everyone to take part in this learning campaign. Wikimedia Foundation will distribute one Wikimania Scholarship 2016 among those participants who are eligible.

More information


Happy editing!

MediaWiki message delivery (diskusjon) 1. aug. 2015 kl. 01:42 (CEST)Svar

What does a Healthy Community look like to you?


The Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation has launched a new learning campaign. The WMF wants to record community impressions about what makes a healthy online community. Share your views and/or create a drawing and take a chance to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship! Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions on the campaign's page.

Why get involved?


The world is changing. The way we relate to knowledge is transforming. As the next billion people come online, the Wikimedia movement is working to bring more users on the wiki projects. The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects. How accessible are Wikimedia projects to newcomers today? Are we helping each other learn?
Share your views on this matter that affects us all!
We invite everyone to take part in this learning campaign. Wikimedia Foundation will distribute one Wikimania Scholarship 2016 among those participants who are eligible.

More information


Happy editing!

MediaWiki message delivery (diskusjon) 1. aug. 2015 kl. 03:15 (CEST)Svar

VisualEditor News #4—2015


Elitre (WMF), 15. aug. 2015 kl. 00:28 (CEST)Svar

VisualEditor News #4—2015


Elitre (WMF), 15. aug. 2015 kl. 04:40 (CEST)Svar

How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better?


My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.


The Wikimedia Foundation would like your feedback about how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants, to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project. Ways to participate:

Feedback is welcome in any language.

With thanks,

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) through MediaWiki message delivery. 19. aug. 2015 kl. 01:09 (CEST)Svar

Introducing the Wikimedia public policy site


Hi all,

We are excited to introduce a new Wikimedia Public Policy site. The site includes resources and position statements on access, copyright, censorship, intermediary liability, and privacy. The site explains how good public policy supports the Wikimedia projects, editors, and mission.

Visit the public policy portal: https://policy.wikimedia.org/

Please help translate the statements on Meta Wiki. You can read more on the Wikimedia blog.


Yana and Stephen (Talk) 2. sep. 2015 kl. 20:13 (CEST)Svar

(Sent with the Global message delivery system)

Open call for Individual Engagement Grants


My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.

Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals until September 29th to fund new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental ideas that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), Individual Engagement Grants can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.


I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation. 4. sep. 2015 kl. 22:52 (CEST)Svar

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) through MediaWiki message delivery.

Open call for Individual Engagement Grants


My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.

Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals until September 29th to fund new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental ideas that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), Individual Engagement Grants can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.


I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation. 4. sep. 2015 kl. 23:54 (CEST)Svar

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) through MediaWiki message delivery.

Only one week left for Individual Engagement Grant proposals!


(Apologies for using English below, please help translate if you are able.)

There is still one week left to submit Individual Engagement Grant (IEG) proposals before the September 29th deadline. If you have ideas for new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well. Support is available if you want help turning your idea into a grant request.

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources 22. sep. 2015 kl. 23:01 (CEST)Svar

Only one week left for Individual Engagement Grant proposals!


(Apologies for using English below, please help translate if you are able.)

There is still one week left to submit Individual Engagement Grant (IEG) proposals before the September 29th deadline. If you have ideas for new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well. Support is available if you want help turning your idea into a grant request.

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources 23. sep. 2015 kl. 01:44 (CEST)Svar

Reimagining WMF grants report


(My apologies for using English here, please help translate if you are able.)

Last month, we asked for community feedback on a proposal to change the structure of WMF grant programs. Thanks to the 200+ people who participated! A report on what we learned and changed based on this consultation is now available.

Come read about the findings and next steps as WMF’s Community Resources team begins to implement changes based on your feedback. Your questions and comments are welcome on the outcomes discussion page.

With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 28. sep. 2015 kl. 18:56 (CEST)Svar

Wikimedia Highlights, August 2015

Her er de viktigste høydepunktene fra Wikimedia blog fra august 2015.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 16. okt. 2015 kl. 21:27 (CEST)

VisualEditor News #5—2015


Elitre (WMF), 30. okt. 2015 kl. 19:17 (CET)Svar

Community Wishlist Survey


Wikimania 2016 scholarships ambassadors needed


Hello! Wikimania 2016 scholarships will soon be open; by the end of the week we'll form the committee and we need your help, see Scholarship committee for details.

If you want to carefully review nearly a thousand applications in January, you might be a perfect committee member. Otherwise, you can volunteer as "ambassador": you will observe all the committee activities, ensure that people from your language or project manage to apply for a scholarship, translate scholarship applications written in your language to English and so on. Ambassadors are allowed to ask for a scholarship, unlike committee members.

Wikimania 2016 scholarships subteam 10. nov. 2015 kl. 11:48 (CET)

Wikimediahøydepunkter i oktober 2015

Her følger høydepunktene fra Wikimedia blog i oktober 2015.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 17. nov. 2015 kl. 21:01 (CET)

Wikidata data access is coming


Hi everyone :)

A while ago you received access to the interwiki links from Wikidata. Everything seems to be going well so I'd like to move on to the second stage. You will get access to the actual data in Wikidata like the date of birth of a person. You'll be able to make use of them in your templates via Lua or a new parser function (#property). We'll be enabling this on December 2nd. This will be the day for Wikinews, Wikispecies, Meta and MediaWiki. I hope this will open up great new possibilities for you and make your work easier. If you have questions please come to d:Wikidata:Sister projects. --Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) (diskusjon) 18. nov. 2015 kl. 17:40 (CET)Svar

This is a message regarding the proposed 2015 Free Bassel banner. Translations are available.

Hi everyone,

This is to inform all Wikimedia contributors that a straw poll seeking your involvement has just been started on Meta-Wiki.

As some of your might be aware, a small group of Wikimedia volunteers have proposed a banner campaign informing Wikipedia readers about the urgent situation of our fellow Wikipedian, open source software developer and Creative Commons activist, Bassel Khartabil. An exemplary banner and an explanatory page have now been prepared, and translated into about half a dozen languages by volunteer translators.

We are seeking your involvement to decide if the global Wikimedia community approves starting a banner campaign asking Wikipedia readers to call on the Syrian government to release Bassel from prison. We understand that a campaign like this would be unprecedented in Wikipedia's history, which is why we're seeking the widest possible consensus among the community.

Given Bassel's urgent situation and the resulting tight schedule, we ask everyone to get involved with the poll and the discussion to the widest possible extent, and to promote it among your communities as soon as possible.

(Apologies for writing in English; please kindly translate this message into your own language.)

Thank you for your participation!

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 21:47, 25 November 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Community Wishlist Survey


MediaWiki message delivery (diskusjon) 1. des. 2015 kl. 15:38 (CET)Svar

Access to data on Wikidata is here


Hi everyone :)

For a while now you already have access to the sitelinks from Wikidata. We just enabled access to the data on Wikidata for you as well. This means you can now access data like the number of inhabitants of a city or get a link to a picture for a famous person and much more to use it in your articles. You can access the data in two ways - via a parser function and via Lua. How to use it:

I hope this will help you do great things here. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Good places to start are the relevant pages on d:Wikidata:Wikinews and d:Wikidata:Project chat.

Cheers Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) 2. des. 2015 kl. 15:19 (CET)Svar

Get involved in Wikipedia 15!


This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.

As many of you know, January 15 is Wikipedia’s 15th Birthday!

People around the world are getting involved in the celebration and have started adding their events on Meta Page. While we are celebrating Wikipedia's birthday, we hope that all projects and affiliates will be able to utilize this celebration to raise awareness of our community's efforts.

Haven’t started planning? Don’t worry, there’s lots of ways to get involved. Here are some ideas:

Everything is linked on the Wikipedia 15 Meta page. You’ll find a set of ten data visualization works that you can show at your events, and a list of all the Wikipedia 15 logos that community members have already designed.

If you have any questions, please contact Zachary McCune or Joe Sutherland.

Thanks and Happy nearly Wikipedia 15!
-The Wikimedia Foundation Communications team

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery, 18. des. 2015 kl. 21:58 (CET)Hjelp til med å oversette til ditt språkHjelpSvar

Get involved in Wikipedia 15!


This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.

As many of you know, January 15 is Wikipedia’s 15th Birthday!

People around the world are getting involved in the celebration and have started adding their events on Meta Page. While we are celebrating Wikipedia's birthday, we hope that all projects and affiliates will be able to utilize this celebration to raise awareness of our community's efforts.

Haven’t started planning? Don’t worry, there’s lots of ways to get involved. Here are some ideas:

Everything is linked on the Wikipedia 15 Meta page. You’ll find a set of ten data visualization works that you can show at your events, and a list of all the Wikipedia 15 logos that community members have already designed.

If you have any questions, please contact Zachary McCune or Joe Sutherland.

Thanks and Happy nearly Wikipedia 15!
-The Wikimedia Foundation Communications team

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery, 18. des. 2015 kl. 22:58 (CET)Hjelp til med å oversette til ditt språkHjelpSvar

Password Strength RFC



Vi har stertet en RFC på Meta for å øke kravene til brukerpassord for brukere med adgang til å redigere MediaWiki:Common.js, ha adgang til Checkuser og/ eller til Oversight.

Denne typen konti får tilgang til følsomme områder av våre nettsteder, og kan gjøre stor skade i feil hender. Kravet er for øyeblikket at passordet er minimum en bokstav langt. vi vil foretrekke å gjøre om dette til at passordet må være minimum 8 bokstaver/tegn og i tillegg ikke være et av de mest vanlig brukte.

By increasing requirements on passwords for accounts with high levels of access, we hope to make Wikimedia wikis more secure for everyone. Please read the full text of the proposal here, and make your voice heard at the RFC.


(på vegne av WMFs sikkerhetsteam) BWolff (WMF) (diskusjon) 21. des. 2015 kl. 09:11 (CET)Svar

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VisualEditor News #6—2015


Elitre (WMF), 25. des. 2015 kl. 01:06 (CET)Svar

2016 WMF Strategy consultation

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Hello, all.

The Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) has launched a consultation to help create and prioritize WMF strategy beginning July 2016 and for the 12 to 24 months thereafter. This consultation will be open, on Meta, from 18 January to 26 February, after which the Foundation will also use these ideas to help inform its Annual Plan. (More on our timeline can be found on that Meta page.)

Your input is welcome (and greatly desired) at the Meta discussion, 2016 Strategy/Community consultation.

Apologies for English, where this is posted on a non-English project. We thought it was more important to get the consultation translated as much as possible, and good headway has been made there in some languages. There is still much to do, however! We created m:2016 Strategy/Translations to try to help coordinate what needs translation and what progress is being made. :)

If you have questions, please reach out to me on my talk page or on the strategy consultation's talk page or by email to mdennis@wikimedia.org.

I hope you'll join us! Maggie Dennis via MediaWiki message delivery (diskusjon) 18. jan. 2016 kl. 20:06 (CET)Svar

Wikimedias høydepunkter, desember 2015

Her er høydepunktene fra Wikimedia-bloggen i desember 2015.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 26. jan. 2016 kl. 21:21 (CET)

Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia, januar 2016

Her er høydepunktene fra Wikimedia-bloggen i januar 2016.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 29. feb. 2016 kl. 21:45 (CET)

Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia, februar 2016

Her er høydepunktene fra Wikimedia-bloggen i februar 2016.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 22. mar. 2016 kl. 20:10 (CET)

Open Call for Individual Engagement Grants


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Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants (IEG) program is accepting proposals until April 12th to fund new tools, research, outreach efforts, and other experiments that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), IEGs can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.

With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 31. mar. 2016 kl. 17:47 (CEST)Svar

Server switch 2016


Wikimedia Foundation kommer til å teste sitt nyeste datasenter i Dallas. Dette vil sikre at Wikipedia og andre Wikimedia-wikier vil fortsette å fungere selv etter en katastrofe. For å passe på at alt fungerer som det skal, kommer Wikimedias teknologiavdeling til å utføre en planlagt test. Denne testen vil teste om det er mulig å bytte fra et datasenter til et annet uten store problemer. Det vil kreve mye arbeid for å forberede testen og fikse eventuelle problemer.

De vil flytte all trafikk over til det nye datasenteret tirsdag 19. april.
torsdag 21. april kommer de til å flytte trafikken tilbake til det primære datasenteret.

Dessverre, grunnet noen begrensninger i MediaWiki, må alle redigering i løpet av disse to byttene måtte stoppe. Vi beklager eventuelle forstyrrelser og problemer dette vil skape, og skal prøve å forhindre dette så mye som mulig i fremtiden.

Du vil kunne lese, men ikke redigere, alle wikiene i et kort tidsrom.

  • Du vil ikke kunne redigere artikler i et tidrom på cirka 15 til 30 minutter tirsdag 19. april og torsdag 21. april, fra klokken 14:00 UTC/GMT (16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 07:00 PDT).
  • Hvis du prøver å redigere eller lagre sider i dette tidsrommet, så vil en feilmelding dukke opp. Vi håper og tror at ingen redigeringer vil gå tapt i disse minuttene, men vi kan ikke garantere noe. Hvis du ser feilmeldingen, vent inntil alt er tilbake som normalt. Deretter skal du kunne redigere som vanlig igjen. Men vi anbefaler at du lagrer en kopi av arbeidet ditt, for sikkerhets skyld.

Andre ting verdt å nevne:

  • Bakgrunnsjobber kan ta lengre tid og noen kan bli avbrutt eller terminert. Røde lenker vil ikke bli oppdatert like fort som normalt. Hvis du lager en artikkel som er lenket til et annet sted, så vil lenken være rød lengre enn vanlig. Noen script som tar lang tid på kjøre vil bli stoppet.
  • Det vil være en kodefrys i uken som inneholder 18. april. Ingen ikke-essensielle kodeutrullinger vil finne sted.

Denne testen var opprinnelig planlangt utført den 22. mars. 19. april og 21. april er de nye datoene. Du kan lese planen på wikitech.wikimedia.org. De vil poste eventuelle endringer i den planen. Det vil komme flere varsler angående dette. Vennligst del denne informasjonen med samfunnet ditt. /Johan (WMF) (diskusjon) 18. apr. 2016 kl. 00:28 (CEST)Svar

Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia, mars 2016

Her er høydepunktene fra Wikimedia-bloggen fra mars 2016.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 22. apr. 2016 kl. 21:18 (CEST)

Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia, april 2016

Her er de viktigste postene fra highlights fra Wikimedia bloggen fra april 2016.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 27. mai 2016 kl. 00:21 (CEST)

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Screenshot of Compact Language Links interlanguage list

Compact Language Links has been available as a beta-feature on all Wikimedia wikis since 2014. With compact language links enabled, users are shown a much shorter list of languages on the interlanguage link section of an article (see image). Based on several factors, this shorter list of languages is expected to be more relevant for them and valuable for finding similar content in a language known to them. More information about compact language links can be found in the documentation.

From today onwards, compact language links has been enabled as the default listing of interlanguage links on this wiki. Using the button at the bottom, you will be able to see a longer list of all the languages the article has been written in. The setting for this compact list can be changed by using the checkbox under User Preferences -> Appearance -> Languages

The compact language links feature has been tested extensively by the Wikimedia Language team, which developed it. However, in case there are any problems or other feedback please let us know on the project talk page or on this discussion thread. It is to be noted that on some wikis the presence of an existing older gadget that was used for a similar purpose may cause an interference for compact language list. We would like to bring this to the attention of the admins of this wiki. Full details are on this phabricator ticket (in English).

Due to the large scale enablement of this feature, we have had to use MassMessage for this announcement and as a result it is only written in English. We will really appreciate if this message can be translated for other users of this wiki. Thank you. On behalf of the Wikimedia Language team: Runa Bhattacharjee (WMF) (talk) 24. jun. 2016 kl. 09:04 (CEST)Svar

Open call for Project Grants


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Greetings! The Project Grants program is accepting proposals from July 1st to August 2nd to fund new tools, research, offline outreach (including editathon series, workshops, etc), online organizing (including contests), and other experiments that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers.
Whether you need a small or large amount of funds, Project Grants can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.
Also accepting candidates to join the Project Grants Committee through July 15.
With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 5. jul. 2016 kl. 17:25 (CEST)Svar

VIKTIG: Gjennomgang av administrative aktiviteter


Hallo. En ny policy vedrørende fjerning av rettigheter for administratorer, byråkrater o.a. er nettopp trådt i kraft global community consensus (Deres nettsamfunn har fått melding om den pågående diskusjonen).

I tråd med denne policyen følger stewardene med på administrative aktiviteter på mindre wikier. Så vidt vi er kjent med, har deres wiki ingen formell prosess for å fjerne "avanserte rettigheter" ved langvarig inaktivitet. Dette innebærer at stewardene vil ordne dette i tråd med de nye admin activity review oversikter over administratoraktiviteter.

Vi har funnet at følgende brukere kan ansees inaktive (ingen redigeringer og ingen logget aktivitet i mere enn 2 år)

  1. Kjetil r (administrator)

Disse brukerne vil motta melding snart, om at de må ta det opp med wikisamfunnet om de ønsker å beholde rettighetene. Hvis henvendelsen ikke blir besvart, vil stewardene fjerne rettighetene.

Men nettsamfunnet står fritt til å skape egne prosedyrer. Det kan også ha skjedd at vi ikke har fått med oss allerede eksisterende prosedyrer. I så fall: Meld fra til stewards on Meta-Wiki slik at vi ikke kjører prosedyren på deres Wiki. Takk! Rschen7754 14. jul. 2016 kl. 08:46 (CEST)Svar



Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 9. aug. 2016 kl. 20:03 (CEST)Svar

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Hello, Wikinews contributors.
A sysop at the English Wikinews and I have been talking about this change, and we'd like to try something different. It might be confusing to start with a "Publish page" button, since the first edit to an article is not the end of the full Wikinews publishing process. So we are going to try this instead: The "Save page" button will stay the same, but MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning will have a statement added to tell inexperienced people that their contributions will immediately be shared with the general public.
We are assuming that every Wikinews is using a similar structure for reviewing, and therefore we are going to try this at all Wikinewses. To do this, I need the statement translated for the copyright warning file right away! If you speak a Wikinews language, please check m:User:Whatamidoing (WMF)/Wikinews. It's just two sentences and should (I hope) be easy for anyone who is bilingual or multilingual. I need these translations this week, if at all possible.
If you have any questions or if your Wikinews would prefer the "Publish page" and "Publish changes" button, then please contact me at m:User talk:Whatamidoing (WMF). Thanks, Whatamidoing (WMF) (diskusjon) 24. aug. 2016 kl. 21:24 (CEST)Svar

Changing soon


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Whatamidoing (WMF) (diskusjon) 3. jan. 2018 kl. 23:32 (CET)Svar

Er prosjektet dødt?


Et retorisk spørsmål. Prosjektet har alle kjennetegn på at det er dødt. Skal prosessen med å stenge prosjektet startes? Jeblad (diskusjon) 3. sep. 2016 kl. 07:19 (CEST)Svar